Severe pain and swelling

May 6, 2018
Several weeks ago I has to find a new dentist because my previous one had retired and I had lost a crown on a front tooth. I went to a dental office recommended by a co-worker although I was not seeing the same dentist she uses. I'm pretty dental phobic, but I really liked him at the first visit and he put me at ease. He said he would have to refer me to a 22nd 22nd but I did need three fillings and two extractions. He did the fillings first and all went well. I went back a week later for the extractions. The first was very quick and easy but the second was my left upper wisdom tooth. He was chatting and told me that a lot of oral surgeons didn't like him pulling wisdom teeth, but it's really easy to pull the top ones so he does them to save his patients money, but he doesn't do the bottom ones. He tried for quite a while to pull the wisdom tooth and said there was just so little room he was having trouble. At one point he took a break and said he'd give it another 10 minutes but if he didn't get it he would give up. I was not in pain, just uncomfortable from having my jaw open so wide. He was unable to remove the tooth and handed me contact information for an oral surgeon. He told me the tooth was likely to get infected from the manipulation so to see him "sooner rather than later". That night when the numbing wore off I was in a lot of pain. His instructions said to take 800 mg of ibuprofen every four hours so I did, but over the next few days I got worse instead of better. More pain, more swelling, and I developed swelling and significant pain and swelling up in my left temple area as well. On the fourth day as things were still worsening I called him and he ordered amoxicillin and a steroid pack. The pain and swelling in my cheek area subsided but the temple pain and swelling continued and did not improve. I was concerned it was a deep infection so since I work for a doctor I asked him for an opinion. He examined the swelling and said it did not appear to be an abscess or infection but felt like a muscle. I felt better and assumed my jaw was sprained from the stress of the failed extraction and that it would improve with time so I continued the ibuprofen, applied heat, and although it was very tender tried to massage the area, but it kept getting worse . I could only open my mouth very slightly and eating was almost impossible. Two weeks after the procedure and with my oral surgeon appointment still almost a week away I called him when the antibiotic and steroids were gone, my temple pain and swelling continually worsened and I once again began to develop pain and swelling in my cheek as well. He said there was an infection and I needed a different antibiotic. When he did not examine or explain the very obvious swelling in my temple I asked him about it. I told him that the doctor I worked with had said the swelling was a muscle. I also expressed concern over taking 3200 mg of ibuprofen daily for over two weeks because otherwise i could not function due to tge pain and that i was also unable to eat. He shrugged on his way out the door and said that it was just because the wisdom tooth was inflamed and needed to come out. I am a nurse and I understand that things sometime happen and while I had been concerned I was really not angry until his attitude was so dismissive. His assistant told me as she walked me out to alternate the ibuprofen with "Motrin and Advil". I said you do know those are brand names for ibuprofen right? I have been taking the antibiotic but the swelling us increasing and now extends from mid forehead area to my cheekbone and from my hairline to my eyelid. The small amount I am able to open my mouth does not open straight but pulls my lower jaw to the left. Chewing is impossible and sleeping is nearly so. I see the oral surgeon in two days but do not know how he Will be able to examine me let alone extract the tooth. I am very frightened that I have a torn ligament of some other major injury to the temporalis muscle. Sorry this is so long, I just don't know where to turn. I am concerned the oral surgeon may not be forthright because he would not want to implicate a referral source had perhaps been negligent. Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions? Thank you for any help.
Dec 6, 2017
That sounds awful Tammy. I'm so sorry for the terrible ordeal you have had. I am sure the oral surgeon would not lie about the situation if he is professional. He should be able to numb you sufficiently to examine and extract the tooth. Please let us know how you get on.


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