Hello I had a deep cavity filling done about 3 months ago and she had me clamp on some thing to pack the filling and I’ve been having sensitivity pain on and off now it’s been staying. I’ve seen a second dentist for a second opinion he said it didn’t look infected,did a cold text I screamed. it’s close to my nerve but it could be an irritation sensitivity issue. If it doesn’t go away, root canal or extraction, I have very bad anxiety with dentist and I went to see an oral surgeon and she will not work on me due to my heart condition and it’s close to my sinus cavity. She said if I want to tooth out have to go get it extracted at the hospital where they would put me to sleep she said it didn’t look affected either from the x-ray, but none of them looked at my mouth , it’s an annoying ache like pressure. The sensitivity seems to be not with hot and I could drink some cold things but the pain won’t go away like the dull ache pain. Is there a chance that the sensitivity could get better or is there a root canal in the future?