Dead Tooth/Nerve Damage from impact trauma?

Feb 7, 2024
Hi all,

Sorry about the questions but I've never had any major tooth issues before so don't really know where to go to find out information.

I chipped my front tooth on an iron gate a week ago Saturday night, visited the dentist Monday morning, and had edge bonding Wednesday.

The chipped front tooth and the tooth right next to it is sort of sensitive and sometimes there is a pain that runs up the center of the front tooth. I keep taking OTC pain meds because the awareness of these teeth is making me very nervous.

Is this awareness/pain/sensitivity normal after trauma? If so, how long does this type of thing last? Should I go back to the dentist?

My dentist has confirmed root ok with x-ray and has assured me there was no cracked tooth but I am very worried having never been through anything like this before.

I'm very scared I'll wake up with a black tooth or something scary. The internet searches I've been doing aren't helpful so would appreciate any insight.

EDIT: I have briefly held an ice cube on my 2 front teeth, and the teeth next to each front tooth, and can feel the cold on all four teeth in the same way ie uncomfortable cold and need to remove the ice due to the sensation. After removal of the ice, the repaired front tooth and tooth next to it throbbed longer than the unaffected teeth by minutes but they were sensitive before this 'test' so not sure if this is related or how helpful this 'test' is less than a week after injury.

I don't know if this is helpful information but thought I would advise just in case.

Thank you very much.
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The information you received does seem correct. The only way to know for sure, is to follow-up on the affected tooth, and take follow-up x-rays as well.
Feb 7, 2024
Update: I have just gotten back from the dentist office (saw another dentist - not mine - he doesn't work on Friday's) and he said he thought my bite was affecting sensitivity so proceeded to correct this with drilling?

He said that they don't typically worry about nerve damage unless pain/discomfort persists beyond 2-3 weeks past injury so to take ibuprofen, or similar OTC meds, and come back in 7 days if no changes.

Assume this all sounds correct? Thanks for all of your help.


Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
The information you received does seem correct. The only way to know for sure, is to follow-up on the affected tooth, and take follow-up x-rays as well.


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