NHS dentistry soon to be a thing of the past

Aug 30, 2021
We all know the conspiracy behind the NHS not admitting the truth as to why people are now having to be placed on a waiting list that could take as long as a year to receive dental treatment

Through suffering ill health and a mental illness my teeth have really suffered. Every tooth is now loose, I obviously have some sort of severe gum disease. By the time i move up the waiting list to be seen (18 months) I doubt I will still have any teeth left.
I am being seen tomorrow by a dentist due to a rotten tooth that is causing me to have regular abscesses. My gums move easily where the pocket keeps filling up with puss.

The dentist will only treat this one tooth, is it just me........thinking how on earth could a dentist witness such bad gum disease with every tooth hanging on by a thread allow me to wait a further 18 months to be treated on the NHS.
When I booked the appointment I was given a choice of four appointments that were empty. I believe all UK dentists are giving preferential treatment to all private patients. Why can't I be seen next week knowing there are appointments available or allow those on the waiting list to get seen quicker.
I feel it's no different in a Doctor treating an open bleeding wound on my arm that is broken. No doctor will send someone home without treating my fractured arm or put them on an 18 month waiting list Surely it's the same principle. I just can't get my head around why the NHS are no longer performing preventative treatments, my teeth could of been saved but now I face pulling them out myself the looser they get.

The NHS have proven they have no duty of care towards us NHS patients. Does anyone know the truth behind it all.
I require intensive cleaning, treatments costing huge amounts of money. I have no choice but to allow my teeth to fall out. At 47 all my feminity will be lost. I will look awful being all gummy



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
I've seen private and public dentistry in Australia. An "open bleeding, broken arm" might compare to a jaw fracture in dentistry where treatment would be prioritised. Unfortunately, cavities and gum disease are probably more akin to worn out hips and knee joints; the urgency is not high (you're not about to die). Governments are usually counting the pennies, looking for cost efficiencies. They also want to treat the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time to keep waiting lists low. So, they don't offer intensive, lengthy, and high cost treatments to public patients. It's far from a perfect world and I wonder sometimes why so much money is spent on high-tech expensive medical equipment and procedures rather than better dentistry.

Feb 1, 2022
Its because of mis managment of health system . I got 11 times treated in india and my experience in indian medical system is

You visit the OPD , register your name , address and specify your issue , they will ref you to concerned doctor , clinical examination done and on basis of case severity ( extraction usually requires 3 days antibiotics prior to extraction ) all done

No need of waiting .

Even you can directly talk to super speciality doctor like i dont want to talk with dentist so i said can i talk to MAXILOFACIAL SURGEON they said yes you can

Thats how other countries should device their medical managment

Even indian medical system has ORS system fill the online appointment , choose your date , time and medical name , DONE

And ine superb experience of my life is i had a complaint of left side headache since 2014 in my home country. Doctors suggested finally for some kind of tablets and to reduce my stress . But when as of my work shifted to india and while visiting AIIMS doctor immediatlt said Sir your headache is caused by your wisdom teeth mesio buccal root is inside your sinus . Immeriatly extraction done , ref to maxilofacial amd ENT OPD they examined me prescribed few tabs and a lifestyle change and aftee few months my headache is gone . Since than i always talk to doctors from there
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