I bit the bullet and went

Sep 11, 2023
I finally dragged myself to the dentist last week for the first time in years. I’m both terrified and not terrified of the dentist - I guess it’s not so much fear of going but fear of being shamed and made to feel bad?

I’m 26 and have a longgggg history of anorexia and depression which has ruined my oral hygiene efforts, as well as being chronically ill and on tonnes of medication that have left me with a mouth dryer than the Sahara desert 😂

I found out at my appointment that I need to have 5 teeth removed and definitely need 4 fillings and a root canal (plus possibly 2 more fillings but we didn’t get the X-rays done to confirm that because after the first 3 ones I couldn’t bring myself to do another one. They were pretty sure that 2 more teeth had cavities but it could just be discolouration apparently.

I’m scared for all of it really - the dentist was lovely and reassuring but it still feels like a lot. I’ve got 5 appointments booked in to get started with things - the first is for a deep clean (and we’ll do the final X-ray then), then 2 fillings, then the other 2 fillings, then the root canal and finally the first extraction. I’ll then book the other 4 and go from there I guess.

Yeah, so that’s me. I don’t really know why I’m posting, I feel kinda embarrassed that I let things get so bad? :(


Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Good for you. If there's nothing requiring urgent attention, start with the easiest step and gradually build up your confidence and trust. Some patients are OK to come once a month rather than overload and try to do too much too quickly. :)

Sep 11, 2023
Good for you. If there's nothing requiring urgent attention, start with the easiest step and gradually build up your confidence and trust. Some patients are OK to come once a month rather than overload and try to do too much too quickly. :)
Thank you! Sadly have to go back tomorrow because one of the teeth that was due to be extracted has cracked in half today and is causing a lot a lot a lot of pain. Hoping they’ll be able to just take it out then and there because I can’t deal with the pain for much longer. Terrified but ready to give it a go!


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