To Root (Canal) or Not to Root?

Aug 17, 2012
I have periodontal disease, which stems back to young adulthood. So, I've had lots of dental procedures done in the past to try to improve the health of my gums. I see my perio doc every 3-4 months. However, I currently have a problem with tooth 19 (lower molar tooth in the back of mouth). Two years ago, I was eating peanuts and experienced sharp pain with that tooth. My gums swole up, and I was presecribed an antiobiotic. After that, the tooth felt fine. My dentist recommended a root canal. I saw the endo doc, and he tested the tooth. Despite what the x-rays showed, the tooth was reactive to the cold test. Therefore, the endo doc said he couldn't do a root canal, and recommended I go back to my specialist. My dentist still asserted a root canal was needed. Long story short, a year passed and I did nothing about it. Fom time to time last year, my gum would swell up near the tooth and appear to be infected, so I'd get a prescrition for antibiotics to relieve it. This year, my perio doc sent me back to a different endo doc who said I did need the root canal. She tested the tooth, and it was not reactive this time. That makes me a good candidate for the root canal I guess. Here's the problem. The tooth for the past two years has had class II mobility, I think they say. At the end of the appointment with the endo doc, she said if she were me, she'd pull the tooth and get an implant. So, now I'm confused. I really had longed to save my tooth despite the mobility issue. It doesn't hurt, and it doesn't bother me normally. I try to be regular with cleanings, and just had a perio scaling and root planning done 2 months ago. My dentist said he's not sure if getting a root canal will save the tooth. The bone loss or infection beneath the tooth seems to be increasing. So, what's best? Try to save the tooth with a root canal, even if it's short-term, or get the implant, which is not covered by insurance? So, I'd have to plan it for next year and save for that. Is there a third option I haven't considered? I need to do something soon, and I need that tooth for eating solid foods. I can't just pull it and leave it unfilled. Any suggestions?

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