Think I've been tricked into getting a root canal?

Jun 5, 2017
I went in for cleaning Jan 2017.
I feel setup because of the order things should have been to deep clean my entire mouth than never get crowns, but since i did; now i'm setup for failure with my gums loosening my crowned tooth after 4 months and I still haven't got the deep cleaning.
  • They found small small crack or fracture on tooth 3 or 2 and 30 or 31 i forget; but they are opposite of each other.
  • They said i needed a crown so i trusted them and got it. (I thought it was to replace the filling; no one said it was removal of anything!!)
  • They said i needed deep cleaning due to gums being at 4 or 5 (depth) something so i naively said yes to everything they were offering because I thought it would help.
  • They put on temp crown and weeks later (without knowing or anyone telling me about bite adjustments) i went in and they said i needed bite adjustment because of the pain i was in. [sensitive to hot, cold, air, pressure on cheek, and biting]
  • After inserting real crown on both teeth they said it could be sensitive for a while. 5 bite adjustments later and 4 months later it's still sensitive and still getting bite adjustments! [sensitive to hot, cold, air, pressure on cheek, and biting]
  • I get deep cleaning on left side of mouth because i was scared to touch the right side. (MAY 2017)
  • 4 weeks go by and i'm suffering almost everyday with EXCRUCIATING PAIN on right side (Almost passed out many times)
  • I went in finally and said its not the bite what's wrong and they took an X-ray and found nothing!
  • 1 day later i went in again and said NO LOOK! I put nail in between teeth and it relieves pain...WHY HOW!!
  • They took alot of X-Rays and find it's cement from 4 months ago stuck in teeth on top and bottom.
  • They couldn't get it off without sending me to the specialist in deep cleaning and them using really loud fast tools
  • She removed 90% of cement and couldn't get the rest, but it did give temporary relief.
  • I think they hurt my gums because 2-3 days later and the pain never went away
  • I came in again and they said go to Endodontist
  • I went in and they immediately took x-rays and MRI of teeth; found my tooth needed a root canal and almost started immediately before i had time to think and I walked out because I was mad, frustrated, and scared.
  • I currently have had the worst pain imaginable radiating through my CHEEK BONE, HEAD, RIGHT JAW, NERVES HURT, Tooth is so sensitive when i lick it it hurts my head, [sensitive to hot, cold, air, pressure on cheek, and biting]
Can i get a blood test to find out the bacteria that has infested my mouth, and will ozone treatment possibly help, do i need extraction of tooth or root canal, is this the dentists fault, is this malpractice or really shitty luck.

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