Question about extraction

Aug 26, 2023
Hi, I just had a wisdom tooth pulled today. They gave me 3 shots of lidocaine and then just pulled it out. I’ve never had a tooth pulled and this was not a pleasant experience. I was told to just take ibuprofen so I’m in a lot of pain. But what I’m concerned about is it looks like a piece of jaw is attached to the tooth. The tooth is giant the biggest tooth I’ve ever seen lol. Is this my jaw attached to the tooth? If so will it grow back is this something to be concerned over? Even the dental assistant was like what is this weird bone growth on the tooth and the dentist just shrugged it off. I didn’t give it much thought at the time, mainly because I was in shock. Also he didn’t stitch the hole or anything and I don’t know I’m just kind of freaking out a little because I’ve never had a tooth pulled and I’m just in pain and now just worrying myself.


Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
  • Pain relief: best to take a combination or paracetamol and ibuprofen for first few days, and then taper down as it improves (see attached).
  • That looks like an upper 2nd molar? It's common for such teeth to come out with a bit of the weak surrounding bone; nothing to be concerned about in your case.
  • Molars do leave a big hole, but they heal up well in young people. Initial healing of a thin layer of skin occurs within 2 weeks; for the socket to completely heal up and the bone to reshape takes 3 months.
  • Stitches don't often do much for closing the hole for a single extraction. I would be placing stitches for 2 or more teeth taken out at the same time, mostly to help bring post-op bleeding under faster control.


  • 0140 Home care after extractions_DentForums.pdf
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Aug 26, 2023
Thank you for the reassurance. It was my upper left wisdom tooth. I think they called it number 16. I’m 26 and it’s been completely grown in for years now it had room to come all the way down. But I couldn’t reach it very well when brushing so it started to decay so that’s why I went ahead and just had it pulled bc I didn’t want it to start effecting the tooth next to it or worse it becoming infected and getting an abscess or something. So good riddance to it! I think I just stared over thinking it lol!


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