Pain in tooth for over a year, told nothing is wrong

Jun 11, 2023
Hi everyone, I have had an on going tooth issue for over a year now. After going to the dentist countless times they finally saw it was a dying nerve and I had a root canal.

After the root canal I’ve still had pain, I’ve been to the dentist, had checks, X-rays and even a 3D xray of my teeth and there is nothing wrong and the root canal went fine.

I don’t know what to do, I’ve seen different dentists within the surgery and everyone says it’s is fine, but it hurts? It’s a dull aching that comes and goes randomly almost every day.

Any help would be amazing, thank you
Jan 25, 2023
I’m also having issues with a root canal tooth that also had a second root canal on it as a retreatment. Besides the ongoing biting pain which I’ve had since before the root canal, after this retreatment, I have intermittent ache in my jaw cheek and bottom teeth. Almost like inside your mouth in front of the teeth all the way down I don’t know if this is from the Novocain or it’s a blockEd salivary gland or what. my ear also pa gs every once in a while and my teeth throb. I’ve been taking Advil and ibuprofen for over a week and I just can’t keep taking this. Of course all the x-rays show nothing. For about a year I’ve had the back part of my gums around the tooth hurts to touch or brush every Dentist I’ve seen is nothing wrong. What are you supposed to do in these situations when you can’t find a professional to help you

Oct 11, 2023
I have a similar issue. I had a cap put on #3 about 10 years ago and it has bothered me ever since. Got a new cap a year ago and no change. Finally got a root canal a few months ago after X-rays showed a small infection and took penicillin k. A few weeks later I still had pain, x-rays show nothing and took a course of amoxicillin with maybe a little improvement but hard to say. Now the area hurts again and the Dr wants to try metronidazole, but I'm wary of the side effects and not sure if that alone will fix it. Should I skip the metronidazole and go straight to a retreatment root canal? Thoughts?

Jan 25, 2023
Do you still have an infection? Is that why he wants to give you metronidazole? Kind of strange why the first antibiotics didn’t get rid of the infection. What kind of pain are you having anyway? I have biting pain. I had it before. The root canal and ever since over two years now. I still have it and I’m probably going to wind up having my tooth pulled. All my x-ray show no infection. I have no idea what is going on the same thing happened to me 10 years ago. Wish doctors knew more and they were better tools to tell you exactly what is going on instead of all this guessing which just leads to a lot of stress, lots of money and no relief.


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