how many treatments are there for beginning peridontal disease?

Mar 16, 2015
Hello, I don't want to bore people by repeating my long stories. If you are interested please read the following links.

visit dentist and periodontist for three times in 2015

please help look at my teeth and make a rough estimation

My question now is

1. How many types of treatments is for beginning periodontal disease? I have asked different doctors, looking at different websites with all the different and confusing terms. Is it really a secret? or a kind of marketing skills so that patients cannot compare prices easily and then less business competition between doctors??

Deep cleaning? Deep scaling? Root Scaling? Root planning? Depth pocket reduction? What are their actual differences?

2. None of the dentists I visited recommended deep cleaning for me. They all recommended simple surface cleaning and ignored talking about deep cleaning and periodontal disease when I asked them. Is it because they tend to overlook the problems before it's getting serious enough? or is it because they are not good enough to detect early periodontal disease? and only periodontist specialized in that area will tell you?
or is it because regular simple cleaning and daily oral hygiene is good enough to keep my teeth there for life?

still worried and depressed man


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