Help! Should I get a second opinion??

Mar 30, 2011
I am a 43--year-old healthy woman and I just returned from a dental appointment. My first time with this dentist who came highly rated. I'm paying out of pocket and on a very tight budget so I'm trying to do some research before having any treatment.

I went in for a cleaning/exam/x-ray and was told I have periodontal disease. I was shocked since I have taken good care of my teeth my entire life. I don't smoke or take any medications. Both my parents have good teeth. I have had no pain, discomfort or bleeding from my gums when I brush.

The only negative is that I haven't flossed much the past eight months, which is not normal for me. My husband passed away and I just blew it off and was lazy about it. So....that is the only weakness I can think of in terms of missing some steps in my dental care. I also had two very mild decayed areas which he wants to fill in the next three to four months.

So...they want me to do a deep cleaning, which they say will take 2 to 3 appointments and require numbing, etc. It took my initially $300 bill to around $1000 (this includes the two fillings).

If I really need it, fine. But I'm so suspicious because I have had no symptoms and, although I'm no expert, my gums look slighly red but nothing alarming.

Any thoughts? Should I get a second opinion? Or can you have this disease with few symptoms?
Jun 4, 2012
If you ever feel like you need a second opinion it is within your rights. But just as an FYI your teeth can look good and you can still get periodontal disease.


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