Dentist told me I need 19 CROWNS

Mar 21, 2024
Four months ago I had my teeth cleaned as I do every six months. They told me that I needed one root canal / crown on a front tooth and other than that, ONE MINOR CAVITY. I just had the appointment to fix the root canal and crown and at the appointment I asked about when I needed to have the one minor cavity done. The dentist started acting very strange , at least I thought so, and he told me that my entire mouth basically needs reconstruction. He said that I need full set of crowns top and bottom. 19 crowns to be exact. $20,000 of dental work. And he said that I MUST do it in only TWO trips . One trip to do the bottom and one trip to do the top. My question is this…..

1. How does someone go from needing one minor cavity filled four months ago to needing 19 crowns ?

2. I obviously can’t afford $20k in dental. He said this is thinking long term to avoid dentures , which I guess I understand and I know it would look much better. But I don’t understand how I only needed one minor cavity done four months ago.

3. If this is indeed something that must be done, is it reasonable to consider going to Turkey to have it done for $3500?

Thank you very much!

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