Wisdom teeth extractions-Nervous Teen

Feb 6, 2012
i'm looking for some advice/reassurance
Tuesday i'm due to get my wisdom teeth taken out i'm going to be awake during the procedure- not my preference but my wisdom teeth have been giving me a lot of discomfort and i need them out as fast as possible and it was either wait 2-4 month or 2 weeks so i took the 2 weeks.
But here's where it gets confusing for me.
I am NOT good with pain the discomfort my teeth have been causing me lately makes me have to take 2-4 ibuprofen already as it is, now I'm extremelyconcerned with the after pain of this procedure.
How can I talk to my Dentist about my concerns without him thinking i'm trying to get pain pills to get high?
Because i tried talking to my mom and she just tells me how they are just going to give me "tic tacs" Aka prescribed ibuprofen and if i asked about othe pain relivers they would think i was a junkie?, it makes me nervous and uneasy and basically like i don't want to get this done and deal with my discomfort because im taking ibuprofen as it is now. i have a very low tolerance for pain and now i am stressed and have extreme anxiety over this. Can someone tell me and appropriate way to relay my uneasiness to the dentist.
Last edited:
May 26, 2012
They'll be only too happy to prescribe strong painkillers in my experience. I'm studying dentistry and they want you to be as comfortable as possible - Vicodin all the way!

Jul 2, 2012
Listen...Just got mine out friday, and it was cake. I was just like you and very squeamish when it comes to stuff like that. But, I was put under and don't remember a thing. But I can tell you what they're going to give you will numb your jaw more then you can believe. Stinks you can't wait for the anesthetic, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Here's how it went for me. Came home from surgery, ate something those pain pills pumping. One thing that I recommend is having something ready to eat as soon as you leave the dentist. Have some jello or something waiting in the car, because as I was eating all the numbness was going away. And it was very painful, and I'd skip it if I could. Not cool at all...But, it was only for about an hour and then hydrocodone finally took effect. Kept popping them as advised throughout the whole day and it kept me pretty pain free.

Now the next day was kinda ehhh. I woke up w/ no pain but some swelling occurred over night. I actually didn't have to take the vic's since the day of, I've been in good shape pain wise. But I did develop some sort of throat infection. Very mild, just scratchy throat, and a cough. But I heard this is normal and can occur because, some of the bacteria that the tooth had within gets expelled into the mouth, and can get you sick. So I kinda had that head cold feeling all day which wasn't all that fun, but I'll take that over pain any day. Today, I've been doing my thing like normal. Still kinda tough to eat really fast, and kinda tender, but no pain what so ever. If you've been suffering from tooth pain already you'll get through it just fine.
Seriously, don't sweat it.

Things to remember:
-Have something to eat and drink as soon as you get out of the surgeons! The pain WILL come and it WILL hurt, so if you can avoid it do so. The faster you get the pain pill in you the better.
-Be super careful if you smoke. I've been smoking very lightly, and not sucking on the cig hard at all. Make sure to leave a crack in your lips so you suck in air as you take the smoke in. That way you're not creating any kind of built up pressure in your mouth. The smoke doesn't cause dry socket, but the sucking does. Smoking will delay healing, but I've been fine doing what I'm doing. Also, straws are fine too. Just don't suck on them like you normally would. Be very gentle, and you'll be good.
-Take it easy your first and second day because those to me were the uncomfortable ones. But seriously nothing to be scared of!!
-GUM!!! The taste of healing is not a good one...Got me some double mint and fixed that. Gross taste.

Good luck with your extractions!!


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