Weird feeling on hard palate

Feb 1, 2022
Hello Dentist

I had a palate infection as diagnosed by ENT on 7 December 2021 . Medication , diet etc offered by ENT and slowly all the pain , redness etc gone

But after 23 december 2021 i have noticed burning sensation is back and entire palate feels like fire . Than the sensation gone by 5 Januray as ENT said to apply some kind of oral gel .

Meanwhile it developed a weird spot on palate area which was not there as my last dental visit was 12 november 2021 and clearly remember how my palate , throat , tongue , cheeks and gums look like cause My dentist showed me on screen when he used a camera thing to look everyrhing from cheek to hard to see areas on back of tongue , below tonsils etc

Please note sir I have cancer phobia , Restlesness and Mild anxiety headcahe as said by Medical college Psychologist on 13 sept 2021.

I am attaching two images one is old one and one is new as on uploading this post

Picture marked with 1,2,3 is new one and Picture marked with a,b,c is 1 month old

suggest me what it is . marked number 1 slightly feel itchi and burning feel is there and as i see it is now visible clearly rather than before


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