My front tooth has been feeling weird since January. It started off tingling all the time. Like a vibrating feeling or like when your foot falls asleep. That came and went for a while. Then it just felt weird. I don't know how to describe it. It's not any more sensitive to cold or hot or sweets or anything, just the same, but I'm more aware of it. It doesn't hurt. It just feels different. My dentist took xrays and checked it over. Two dentists have and they didn't see anything weird with it. The lady who cleans my teeth looked at the xrays and said the area above the tooth looked weird ( it was darker), but the dentist didn't say anything about it. I just now noticed that it feels weird all the way to right under my nose. I can press inside on the gums and it feels weird and I can press outside right under my left nostril and it also feels weird. Like bruised or something, I don't know. What could possibly be going on that two dentists can't see anything wrong with it? It's driving me crazy!