Unexplained bone pain under the gum.

Dec 8, 2023
Hey. First sorry for my english. So i have a chronic pain from started 9 months a ago. My pain sharp shooting nerve like pain at randomly under the gum from the alveolar bone in the upper right region. I can trigger it by pressing my gum in that area, then feeling is some nerve jerking verry painfully. Yes jerking is the right word. . So i didnt have a single tooth that area because so bad condition that i have to removed all. But this problem started before the extractions, so its not related to the extractions. So i went to the oral surgeon and he opened my gum alredy twice at that section. He said that some soften bone and a hole inside the bone, maybe a inflamation. He cleaned everything but next day shooting pain continued. So please help, what can it be ? What the meaning that alveloar bone is soften on that small area from my pain come from?. Or maybe i have neurophatic pain and i have to find a neurologist?. Painkiller medicines not working for this shooting pain. . This pain sometimes went remissions for days and months and get return again from nowhere. When the pain is in remission then trigger point is also "disabled". So what can cause painfully nerve jerking feeling inside the gum.? This pain totally random, not related to hot and cold, and eat. It is localised, didnt hit my face or ears, only fell inside the bone. I can provokating with press my gum that point. The worst part is that sometime the shootings happen when i didnt doing anything, and this is affect my quality of life because always afraid when the next shoot of pain coming. I alredy did a cone beam scan but show nothing wrong on that area. So can you help me what this can be? Thank you.

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Do you have recent x-rays that you could share? Did the oral surgeon mention the possibility of neuropathic pain?

Dec 8, 2023
xray is coming, yet my dvd drive not working so i need time to read and share. MY oral surgeon sad deffinetly not neurophatic. But he did a verry deep clean my bone that area, but the next day the shooting pain started again, and after 1 day suddenly stopped. Now 2 days with pain free, but im very afraid it going to return, because sometimes pain got remission for days, and weeks, and the suddenly start again. But despite that my oral surgeyon sad i star to belive that this is neurophatic.


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