Tootg extractions and temporary dentures

Feb 20, 2017
Ive been to the dentist today and been told need to have my four front top teeth removed, one wisdom tooth and another molar on the other side. A temporary denture will then be used to replace my front teeth.
Im so scared, i know the injections alone are going to be very painful and the front and back extractions as ive been through them (singularly anyway) but the wisdom tooth removal is new to me having only ever had the one and now they are taking it out.
Does anyone have any experience of all this? How bad will the afterpain be? How long before i can eat/drink etc? I got on holiday 6 weeks after the procedure.
Thanks all
Feb 21, 2017
I had all my teeth out and use to be so scared of the dentist.
I had 6 out and felt fine next day just a bit achey.
Then awake (can't believe I did it) I had 19 teeth out and dentures straight in. It took 30 minutes. I could have drove home I felt that well after.
The worst part was probably the injection and this is one of reasons I was scared of dentist but I had quite a few as kept feeling things and I was fine.
I wonder if you could use oragel before which will numb you a bit.
Could make it easier. I also always take painkillers & ibuprofen before app.

I was scared of the pain to come but it want too bad, and I am a softy, I felt bruised and sore from day 2 & sickly from the horrible taste, but can not believe how fast I healed. I had a lazy week to recover and that was more than enough for me.
I had to go back after a week due to a few sore spots but the dentist sorted this in 5 minutes and was fine after this.

I lived off mash & beans for 10 days as I'm a fussy eater, I even had this the same day.
I did ask for antibiotics for after both apps as I had suffered a dry socket in the past and I was scared of that happeneing again as that pain was very bad.

I got my permanant dentures 8mts later and could not have been happier.
Best choice I have ever made.
No more pain and I suffered for 5years and was also paranoid due to ugly teeth.
Back to happy and confident now.

Good Luck I hope all goes well and you are happy with the result.

Feb 20, 2017
Thank you so much for your reply. You have managed to put me a little at ease compared to how i was feeling. If your managed to recover quickly enough to return to work after just a week then i should be fine in time for my holiday. Ive had chipped, wobbly and just generally unsightly front teeth for many years now so the thought that i may soon be able to smile naturally instead of always hiding my face is certainly giving me some motivation. I will take your advice and take some stong paracetamol before i go i cant take ibuprofen unfortunately as im allergic but will probably ask the chemist to recommend an alternative i can use. I will also ask the dentist for some antibiotics as i too have had dry socket before and ive read that as a e-cigerette user i would be prone to that anyway. But hey its better than the 20 a day cigarette habit i had last time i had a tooth out lol.
Really appreciate u taking the time to respond. 2 days to d-day.

Feb 21, 2017
Thank you so much for your reply. You have managed to put me a little at ease compared to how i was feeling. If your managed to recover quickly enough to return to work after just a week then i should be fine in time for my holiday. Ive had chipped, wobbly and just generally unsightly front teeth for many years now so the thought that i may soon be able to smile naturally instead of always hiding my face is certainly giving me some motivation. I will take your advice and take some stong paracetamol before i go i cant take ibuprofen unfortunately as im allergic but will probably ask the chemist to recommend an alternative i can use. I will also ask the dentist for some antibiotics as i too have had dry socket before and ive read that as a e-cigerette user i would be prone to that anyway. But hey its better than the 20 a day cigarette habit i had last time i had a tooth out lol.
Really appreciate u taking the time to respond. 2 days to d-day.
I am an ecig user too lol , I don't usually reply to anything but I remember how scared I was, I know 7 people who have had full dentures since I have and only one had problems due to other health probs and that was soon sorted anyway.
You will be fine espec as it's front teeth they are the easy ones or I thought so and just think how much better you will look and feel, hope you come back and let me know it was all easy and your happy.

Feb 20, 2017
So day 1 went ok, a little disappointed as i was misled on what was gonna happen. Only ended having my four front teeth pulled today with no immediate denture fitted. Been told gotta come back nect Thursday for the wisdom tooth and other molar. After that im still not 100% sure what the plan is, felt like i was pushed out the door frankly. I dont know if the moulds for the dentures will be done next week before they remove the wisdom or if i will have to come back again another week on just for moulds and then have to wait another week or so for the dentures. Im honestly in pieces here, really dont know if im coming or going. Trying ro put on a brave face as i have two autistic teenagers who get distressed if they see me upset. After explaining all i thought i was having done today to them to then have to explain that i now dont really know what is happening has really thrown them as it is.
Anyway on a happier note, i can say that despite having 4 teeth pulled at once and nothing covering the exposed holes, im not really in any extreme pain. A little soreness but thats fine. Ive been able to eat some soft food and drink pretty much normally and dont seem to have much swelling as yet either. Tomorrows another day.


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