Titanium vs. gold (implant) crowns

Jan 27, 2021

I have 2 implants at `7` and `10`. I've had them for more than a decade. Some things have happened where I've had to get the gum trimmed back a little and I want to get new crowns made. For the new crowns I want them to be made of metal just because I think they look good and I want to use this as an opportunity to do something different. I have a couple questions though.

What are the pros and cons regarding having them made of titanium or gold? Nothing? I've been having issues with abscesses forming from food particles getting caught above the crown. Would either of these metals help to inhibit bacterial growth? Is there some aspect of design (shape) that could be implemented to assist? `10` is set particularly deep, which is why I've had gum tissue trimmed back, et cetera. I've had multiple small surgeries and I've actually had the implant replaced once already years ago. Seems to be going well now.

What are the different types of cosmetic finishes that can be applied? For instance, instead of them being shiny titanium I think a matte finish might look interesting as long as it was "bright enough" to be distinguished from a dead tooth.

I'm well aware that some kind find it to look weird or trashy or whatever. I'm not interested in anything related to those types of opinions. I'm really just trying to field what my options are to have something interesting and unique.

Thank you!
Mar 4, 2021
I know gold is best if you grind your teeth or clench your teeth, the alloy they use is very hard and durable. All my teeth are missing a good 1-3mm from grinding at night and I shred any mouth guard to pieces and sometimes swallow pieces of it, so I will need gold myself when I inevitably need implants.


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