I need a root canal on an upper molar (2nd from back). I'm going on vacation September 28th for 3 weeks, long haul flight 13hrs.
I have an appointment booked September 10th for the initial treatment but I don't know whether to wait until I get home from vacation to have the treatment? I'm concerned that if the dentist starts the treatment I might have pain while I'm away and have read some horror stories of flying and recent dental work. I don't think the treatment would be complete before I go so would just have a temp filling I assume?
On the flip side, I'm also worried that if I go away with it as it is it could flare up when I'm there. I'm travelling around on a tight schedule so wouldn't want to have to try and find an emergency dentist that would be able to help me or be in pain and have vacation ruined. I'm not having any pain at the moment, can still eat/chew on that side and no sensitivity to cold/hot. My gum is sore but only if pressed.
Does anyone have any experience of this or have any advise on what they think I should do?
I have an appointment booked September 10th for the initial treatment but I don't know whether to wait until I get home from vacation to have the treatment? I'm concerned that if the dentist starts the treatment I might have pain while I'm away and have read some horror stories of flying and recent dental work. I don't think the treatment would be complete before I go so would just have a temp filling I assume?
On the flip side, I'm also worried that if I go away with it as it is it could flare up when I'm there. I'm travelling around on a tight schedule so wouldn't want to have to try and find an emergency dentist that would be able to help me or be in pain and have vacation ruined. I'm not having any pain at the moment, can still eat/chew on that side and no sensitivity to cold/hot. My gum is sore but only if pressed.
Does anyone have any experience of this or have any advise on what they think I should do?