Replace bonding before or after teeth whitening?

Apr 3, 2019
So I am getting married in July, just got braces off, and have planned to get my teeth professionally whitened. I was planning to get this done a couple of months before the wedding.

I have one chipped front tooth at the top, and have had bonding on it which was many years old, getting a bit stained and needed replaced. My plan was to whiten, then get the bonding redone as it probably won't whiten anyway.

However, tonight my bonding just fell out! I was thinking I need to get it replaced tomorrow as I am worried about the effects of my tooth being exposed, plus it looks bad.

But, will this be pointless, as I will need it replaced in a couple of months anyway to match my new tooth colour? Should I get my teeth whitened ASAP to allow for the new bonding to match when it is replaced? Or will waiting longer damage my chipped tooth? And if so, and I get the bonding tomorrow, will getting this removed again and replaced after whitening further damage my tooth??
Dec 6, 2017
You could just get the bonding replaced with the shade you want to whiten to. The newer bonding materials don't tend to stain that much. So you need to decide whether you want to keep having your teeth bleached and how light. The bonding should kind of take on the lighter shade of the underlying tooth anyway so even if it's not as bright white as the bleach it will still look lighter.


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