Redness in gums and pain for a long time

Jan 23, 2024
Its long story but I will make it short. I hope someone can offer me an explanation. Much appreciated!

Tooth #3 had a root canal twice back in 2019. It failed because the tooth got cracked so they removed it and placed bone graft. Got infected again, another fresh bone graft and biopsy which came within normal and the comment was that 'is not healing'. A year later had the implant and crown placed.

Tooth #4, last year I had a crown done. The nerve is live. The doctor was debating between a root canal or crown then he decided on a crown.

Tooth #2, one month ago I had a root canal done. I was told the 2 longest roots out of 4 were inflamed. I am supposed to have my crown placed next week.

Problem is all these years I have pain on the right side of my face, my cheek gets puffy/swollen, my upper right teeth hurt, and the gums on these area get red/inflamed. I have done Cat Scans for sinuses (all normal) , Xrays, and use a mouth guard.

For the past 2 years, at least, I was insisting on the dentist to look at tooth number #2, the last one, until they finally said the pulp is inflamed and you need to a root canal. Could the inflamed roots have caused this pain/inflammation and redness on the gums? Then, after the root canal, wouldn't it be better?
Also, gum line right above the crown of the implant has become a little bluish darker color.
Any suggestions? TIA.


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Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
A temporary crown is sometimes very rough. If the pain disappeared after the root canal had been completed, any residual inflammation in the gum area, might be due to the roughness of the temporary crown. Also make sure that no food is entrapped between the temp crown and the implant crown.

Jan 23, 2024
Thank you for taking the time and answering my question. After the root canal, I was in a lot of pain bot only the tooth but also face temple and headache just the right side. I felt better after the 5th day then got sick with congrstion and pain when I would put my head down. The doc gave me antibiotics Amoxiclav just to be sure there was no infection from the root canal. So, i started to get better then it was time to di my temporary crown. Again, I got worse with pain. This pain now its more like squeezing and puffiness. Even when I gently tap with my nail the root canal I feel it. I just dont know if there is any infection going on and why getting worse instead of better?


Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Have you tried going for a CBCT scan of the specific tooth, to rule out possible fractures of one of the roots?

Jan 23, 2024
Wait for the results of the 3D scan in that case.
Hi Dr. M,
As an update, I did a 3D scan and my dentist did not see any fracture. He mentioned that there is a gray horizontal line ( circled in red) that should be all black instead. He agrees there is inflammation but can not figure it out. It still hurts when I lightly tap on my last tooth. He suggested to re-do the root canal so that way he can see if there is any crack inside. The fact that it still hurts when I lightly tap or push with my tongue, does it sound that the tooth has a crack? On the X-ray, the horizontal gray area is circled in red, other picture is when Im in a lot of pain and my gums get red. Thank you!


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