Problem with composite filling

Sep 5, 2024
I had 2 old silver fillings replaced for the composite white resin, a week ago. They are on one molar, on each side of my bottom set of teeth.

The one on the right side is fine, no problems.
However, the one on the left has caused me no end of problems since I had it done.

My bite feels off.

My bottom teeth have touched the backside of my front teeth forever as I have an overbite, but now they are touching further up the back of my front teeth.
One other of my teeth is banging against the opposing one when eating, and then one the other side of the filling is now hitting the top one and grinding on it when chewing.

I have awful jaw pain on the left side of my mouth, and quite a few teeth on the left side are now all aching.
I’m also getting a sharp pain in that tooth with the new filing when eating, therefore I’m having to eat on the other side.

I returned to the dentist a few days ago. It was a different dentist I saw (as the woman who fitted the filing was off). He did lots of tests with the occlusion papers etc and he said he couldn’t see anything wrong and that my jaw ache is probably down to clenching and grinding my teeth.

2 days later and things are still not better. My bite still feels wrong, I’ve toothache, jaw ache and thoroughly fed up.
I’m trying to make an apppintment to go back again tomorrow.

If they still cannot figure out what the problem is, what do I suggest? I’m very upset as both fillings cost me £310 and this has taken over my life for the past week. I also go on holiday in under 2 weeks and do not want this to be happening while I’m away.


Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Go back to the dentist and ask her/him to adjust both fillings until it feels more comfortable. If one or both fillings were slightly off or too high, you could have injured the ligament around the tooth in question. This could later on lead to referred pain on all the other teeth in that area. You can take inflammatory medication in the mean time.


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