Hi, a dentist did a filling to me in 2 teeths, not deep, but he used anesthesia. After a month, both of them where super sensitive (really painfull) with pressure just on the filling, and it disappeared after remove preassuure, no problem with hot or cold. Pressure in real theet area was totally fine.
For one of them, the filling was minimum, so the sensitivity was smaller, but for the other one terrible, so, after a month of waiting, the dentis redid the worse filling without anesthesia (I felt some pain but nothing crazy) and it looked good, a bit sensitivity but at least I was stable to chew with it. After 5 days, I chewed a seed or something a bit hard with it, and I felt the same pain than before, and since then, it is exactly the same than it was before. It doesn't improve, it doesn't go wrong...I have been like that for one month more. The dentist do not know what is the problem at all. He said filling is far enoguht from the nerve (In the X ray) and he reduce or 2 times, so no crash with the top theet, so there shouldn't be a problem, so I think the problem coudo be him. Thoughts please?
For one of them, the filling was minimum, so the sensitivity was smaller, but for the other one terrible, so, after a month of waiting, the dentis redid the worse filling without anesthesia (I felt some pain but nothing crazy) and it looked good, a bit sensitivity but at least I was stable to chew with it. After 5 days, I chewed a seed or something a bit hard with it, and I felt the same pain than before, and since then, it is exactly the same than it was before. It doesn't improve, it doesn't go wrong...I have been like that for one month more. The dentist do not know what is the problem at all. He said filling is far enoguht from the nerve (In the X ray) and he reduce or 2 times, so no crash with the top theet, so there shouldn't be a problem, so I think the problem coudo be him. Thoughts please?