Ongoing issues after root canal

May 19, 2018
A long post but want to try and explain as best as possible.

Starting at the beginning of October 2017 I developed a constant pain in the left temple area of my head. The pain varied on the pain scale day by day between a 5/10 up to about an 8/10. It was ruining my life and was stopping me from sleeping a lot of the time. I saw a neuroogy consultant and had 2 MRI scans and was tested for Temporal Arteritis (even though I was out of the risk group). The MRI's didn't show anything and the TA tests were negative. My neurologist was at a complete loss as to what was causing my pain. I was near suicidal at one point the pain was so intense and constant.

Fast forward to February. Still having the same issues, still no answers. I register with a new dentist (hadn't seen a dentist in about 8 years and my old practice had closed down). The dentist took xrays and said that there appeared to be a bit of decay under my already filled upper left 1st molar. So he took the old filling out and was shocked to find extensive decay underneath. He removed the decay but it went very deep and he was worried the filling would aggravate my nerves, but tried anyway. Well the filling did aggravate the nerve. The head pain was now joined by extreme tooth pain. So he decided it needed a root canal.

So he did the treatment. He did the whole thing in one session (which I now understand is not usual) and fitted a permanent amalgam filling. After he finished he looked annoyed. He told me that he had never actually done an unsupervised molar root canal before. He told me that he could only find 2 root canals. He was clearly angry at something, and told me that he couldn't do anything more to help me.

Well the root canal was now 9 weeks ago. The tooth still hurts if I touch it (it is no longer sensitive to heat or cold at all, but if I try to chew on my left side and when I brush it aches like a bruise or something).

I was now pretty scared of that dentist. It took me ages to find a new one but 2 weeks ago I went to a new surgery. The new dentist took an xray and said that the other dentist had seemingly left infection at the root tip of the tooth, and he gave me 10 days of Amoxicillin (500mg). He also said that it looks like there is a calcified 3rd root canal in the tooth. I took these and within a few days the head pain that I had had for over 8 months completely vanished! To say this was a relief is an understatement. I finished the coarse of antibiotics and for about 4 days the pain was still gone. However it is now back and slowly increasing again.

I feel completely lost. I don't know what I can do. I feel at the end of my ability to cope with this pain. The new dentist said that it appears that my upper molar roots are very close to my sinus, so extraction could be difficult. He offered to refer me to a private endodontist (I am an NHS patient). I have very little money and I am now wondering, would it be even likely that this tooth could be saved now by a specialist endodontist? Would filling the calcified canal solve this? What on earth happens if I have the tooth removed and end up damaging the sinus?

Then to add further stress, I have been having to chew exclusively on my right side. Now my lower right molar, which is also filled is hurting every now and then when I bite on it. I am so frightened after what has happened with the left upper molar that I don't know whether to get this tooth treated or just ignore the occassional pain.
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May 19, 2018
Just back from seeing the neurologist. He has referred me to a head pain clinic for the temple pain. He thinks it's possible that it could be related to the tooth issue, but said that the clinic will be able to help manage the pain better than he can.

He also gave me the number of his own dentist as he said that he hasn't heard of a root canal hurting still after 7 weeks and he thinks I should get another opinion. I rang them and they can fit me in for a check up this coming Saturday. It's more money, but after spending so much on the root canal already it seems pointless worrying about money (I have been given another loan by a friend). I just want to be free of pain at last.

May 19, 2018
Thanks so much for your messages here Busybee. It makes me feel less alone through all this. I think people in my life are starting to get frustrated with me constantly being in pain and grouchy.

I'm really nervous now about seeing another dentist. I'm starting to worry that they will never figure out why it hurts so much

May 19, 2018
Got a call from the dentist I had an appointment with for today saying that due to one of their dentists being away to sort out family problems, they are not able to take on new patients now.

So I'm now not sure what to do. I'm getting pain in the premolar next to the root canal tooth now too. I'm really worried that the infection is still there and is spreading.

May 19, 2018
Saw a new dentist (I feel like a dentistry floozy through all of this). She has referred me to a maxillo facial surgeon. Not sure how long the referral will take. She was concerned about the pain in my temple and thinks the maxillo facial surgeon could help figure it out, plus also be likely to safely extract the failed rc tooth.

May 19, 2018
I was in a lot of pain earlier this week. Back up to around an 8/10. But after I had seen the dentist I used a floss stick around the root canal tooth and a glob of foul tasting liquid oozed out from the gumline. I gargled with salt water. The pain has stopped down since then to around a 3/10

May 19, 2018
Not sure why it just posted the quote when I tried replying. I've deleted it and will try again now...

Got a surprise yesterday. The endodontist who retreated my tooth phoned me. The dentist I had seen on Wednesday actually knew him and contacted him after I had seen her.

He asked me to go into his office and after examining me and noting signs of inflamation he gave me a cbct scan, and didn't even charge me for it! He said he will send the scan to a friend of his who is a maxillo facial specialist in London to have a good look at.

The endo said that based upon the results of the cbct scan there are options with how we proceed.
1. If it shows he missed any canals, he said he will do a re, retreatment and won't charge me for that.
2. If it needs extracting, his colleague who is an implant surgeon Will do the extraction for me for only half the usual price.

The fact that he is being so caring has really touched me. He didn't have to do the scan for free (It usually costs £120 at his surgery), and he is even prepared to to do retreatment for free if necessary. Hes a star. Hopefully his maxilo friend will be able to figure out what's hsppening.
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May 19, 2018
It's a permanent composite filling in the root canal, not a crown. He didn't want to prepare a crown until the tooth had settled first. The smelly puss is seemingly coming from the gum around the base of the tooth.

May 19, 2018
I'm starting to think he may have missed a canal, or that the root is possibly cracked. Hopefully the cbct will reveal the cause of all of this. I think it was probably damage caused by the original dentist rather than the endo.

Dec 6, 2017
But this endo was meant to fix whatever the original dentist did wrong. You don't think it's strange that he has changed his tune after you visited a colleague? If he is doing this for free then he considers himself at risk of professional negligence. The colleague must have found something amiss. The fact that you are getting food waste & bacteria getting trapped in that area is a big problem if you are trying to heal a root canal treatment. It needs to be sterile while it heals.

May 19, 2018
That could be true yes. I just hope at this point someone can fix me. I'm on antibiotics again and the pain is dropping a bit again which suggests it is continued infection. I've been reduced to a shell of myself through all of this.

Dec 6, 2017
I'm not surprised it's really affecting your ability to enjoy life. You've been through a nightmare and when this is over you should gather evidence and make a formal complaint against the original dentist. If this endo retreats then you must insist that he protects the remaining tooth from bacteria and food debris. If you have a problem with the surrounding gums then that needs to be treated too.

I think I have already mentioned that you could have seen an NHS root specialist via a community dental referral from your dentist. They now have such specialists working in the clinics where those who have medical conditions or disabilities get treated. Treatment there should be free. Or you can just turn up at A&E at a dental hospital.

May 19, 2018
I haven't heard any news yet about the cbct scan. I will ring the endo on Monday to see if there's any news. The pain level is still low enough to cope with after the antibiotics (with the help of 600mg ibuprofen a day).

I have done some more research into nhs endodontistry. I keep reading that waiting lists are very long (12 weeks plus) and I would have to travel to London. We have a community dental hospital. It's actually literally across the road from my house. But I rang them and they exclusively treat people who have trouble being treated at normal practices (people with severe learning disabilities etc). They have a visiting endo who comes in once per month, but I would not be considered for treatment there.

I think in future, if I need a root canal I will sadly have to opt for extraction. I can't afford to go through this again (neither monetarily nor pain wise). I have almost lost a year of my life through all of this.

Dec 6, 2017
An NHS dentist should be able to refer you to a specialist who will treat you for free. Yes you may have to travel to London and there will be a waiting list as you're currently not an emergency but it's worth trying if the pain is currently bearable.

Anyway either the community dental hospital should be treating you or they have different referral routes where you live, But someone should deal with this for free.


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