After a hard bite, the crown became loose and the crown with the attached post fell out.
Now, there is nothing left of the tooth above the gum line.
The original crown was placed 12 years ago after the root canals treatment.
My question: is it possible to place another post with the new crown if the root is in good condition, without a crack?
Did anybody have this done?
3-D X-ray is scheduled for next week. I am trying to educate myself about different possible options before my appointment.
Thank you
After a hard bite, the crown became loose and the crown with the attached post fell out.
Now, there is nothing left of the tooth above the gum line.
The original crown was placed 12 years ago after the root canals treatment.
My question: is it possible to place another post with the new crown if the root is in good condition, without a crack?
Did anybody have this done?
3-D X-ray is scheduled for next week. I am trying to educate myself about different possible options before my appointment.
Thank you