Long term post crown gum pain

Jun 1, 2021
Just as a start I'll note that I've had quite a bit of dental work including several tooth extractions, root canals and crowns as well as fillings. The problem I currently have is something new though. I had a tooth acting up on me, and after a few visits to the dentist and some observation on the tooth's condition, they concluded it was dying and need a RCT. Everything seem to go fine until the permanent crown was put in place. There was a sharp pinch when the dentist put it in which seem to catch both of us off guard. a few weeks later I could feel like something was wrong in the area. I brought it up with my dentist who X-rayed it, found no issues and referred me to a root canal specialist. They found no issues with it, but it began to spontaneously hurt. After some eight visits and a decent amount of money later, I stopped going as they simply couldn't find any issues with the tooth.

The pain continued on and off. Some months it would be every day for hours, and some months it wouldn't hurt at all. At one point I had a trip by plane out to Vegas to see my father. I wear a partial upper, and over did it on my trip causing a lot of gum pain. That area began to act up again. This pulsing sharp pain from around that tooth, and then I felt something shift in my sinus's and the pain just all went away. I brought that up with my dentist and they suggested a dormant sinus infection. I've had a sinus scan and that came back negative for infection. I've also had a dentist note that the gums around that tooth seem irritated, and I seem to have a small white spot on the gum right next to that tooth.

It's been about 3 years with this. The pain can be anywhere from none, to 3 or on the bad days a 7. It's usually a sudden onset of a sharp pressure pain, then quickly fades for a short moment before coming back. I'm getting really tired of this pain and not having any answers what it could be so if anyone has any idea's I'm all ears.

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Good day

Was a CBCT scan taken to evaluate possible cracks in the tooth? This can sometimes not be picked up on a normal 2D xray. Do you have any x-rays or photos that could give us more information?

Jun 1, 2021
I have not had a CBCT nor do I have access to the x-rays sadly. Though most I can provide at the moment is a normal picture. It does show the odd white spot on my gum. Also the not so good looking pre molar, which is root canaled. I have an appointment with a new dentist next month but I'm concerned they're just gonna say they don't know and the problem never gets resolved.


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Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Unfortunately it is difficult to give more of an opinion with only this limited information. The white spot almost looks like an ulcer that is healing. Sometimes if there is excess cement that was used to cement the permanent crown, trapped in between the teeth, it could lead to gingival irritation, inflammation or pain. There is also a chance that the tooth underneath could be cracked, but for this a CBCT scan will be required.
So for any further advice, more information will be required.

Jun 1, 2021
That white spots been there for quite some time now. I'll request a CBCT scan from my dentist if at all possible and hopefully that can shed some light on this problem. Thanks for your advice.


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