Hi doctor and everyone,
I needed help
I’m so. Scared now after noticing there is a white stuff beside of my wisdom tooth that been extracted 27 days ago I thought I was healing perfectly because I feel better and better everyday but I still feel a little stiffness on my jaw can’t really open my mouth as wide as I used to be and feel a little bit weird when I eat or chewing something feels like it still swell a little bit and feels it still in healing process sometimes pain but very very little like nothing almost if I move my jaw so much to chew.
I don’t know if it’s food stuck there or something but it scared me
I rinse my mouth and brush my teeth regularly already but I’m not dare to touch the area I’m afraid to infected
I’m so tempted to reach it with my finger or something to see if it’s food stuck there
thank you!
I needed help
I don’t know if it’s food stuck there or something but it scared me