Causes of Gum Infections Unveiled

Dec 5, 2023
Visualize those pesky bacteria throwing a raucous party on your teeth, resulting in a sticky film called plaque. If you're not diligent with your brushing and flossing, plaque can harden into tartar, the troublemaker responsible for irritating your gums and sparking inflammation.

Risk Factors: Who's Vulnerable to Gum Infections?
Smoking weakens your immune system, while hormonal shifts during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause make your gums vulnerable. Diabetes? Yeah, that's a red flag for gum infections too. And certain meds? They might tip the scales towards infection too. Genetics? Oh yes, some folks are just more prone to these infections, despite their best oral hygiene efforts.

Signs and Symptoms: Decoding the Language of Your Gums
Now, let's spot the symptoms of a gum infection, your body's way of raising the alarm. Red, swollen, and tender gums? Check. Bleeding gums? Nope, that's not normal. Bad breath that just won't quit? You might want to investigate further. Gums making a sneaky escape from your teeth? Yeah, that's not great.

And brace yourself, loose teeth might make an appearance if the infection gets out of hand. What's tricky is that these infections can be silent at first, so those regular dental check-ups are your secret weapon.

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