Upper central incisor serious post root canal discomfort + nasal itching and over salivation

May 6, 2019
Hi there,
I had root canal treatment done to my upper left central incisor circa 2 months after an accident.

The procedure was done under a microscope and the dentist assured me that everything went fine and the prognosis was good.

Well, it was uncomfortable and some nasal itching and over-salivation occurred after the RC and a year after I was back at the endodontist. I had an x-ray picture taken, which showed a possible overfilling. The dentist decided to open the tooth from the other(gum) side and scraped(i mean it literally- no root cuts involved) the bit of overfilling off.

That helped just a little bit with the discomfort, but this time a cyst appeared in the immediate proximity of the troublesome tooth root/incision and the over-salivation, nasal itching went on. The cyst disappeared some 2 months in but the previous symptoms are still there and occasional nasal bleeds + headaches on the left side/nostril. The endodontist claims the symptoms are unusual and seems like he doesn't have an idea of how to proceed.
Please help!

I enclose a pic of the tooth after RC and before scraping.
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Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
I can'tr suggest any connection between that RCT and your nose-bleeds, itchiness, and oversalivation. If you're scratching your nose because it is itchy, then this will cause nose-bleeds. You will prob have rather inflamed nasal tissues - ask your GP for a corticosteroid cream to use for a short while which may relieve the inflammation, thus the itching, and thus the nose-bleeds..

Dec 6, 2017
It's possible you sustained a minor nasal infection following the procedure but which is entirely unrelated with the dental work itself. The dentist may have passed it on or you may have contracted it coincidentally. You should see your doctor for some antibiotic gel to see whether that helps. It's possible the headaches are related to a changed bite following the procedure.

Do you think the symptoms may be related to the accident? Can you give more information about the accident and what parts of your body were involved?

May 6, 2019
I can'tr suggest any connection between that RCT and your nose-bleeds, itchiness, and oversalivation. If you're scratching your nose because it is itchy, then this will cause nose-bleeds. You will prob have rather inflamed nasal tissues - ask your GP for a corticosteroid cream to use for a short while which may relieve the inflammation, thus the itching, and thus the nose-bleeds..
Nah, the itch is inside, the blood comes from within. One have to do with the other, I'm almost 100% sure...Update, I had a major bleeding yesterday, which actually released some tension/discomfort from the tooth, and it feels a little better after that...I wonder if it's temporary/good sign. Verry odd.

May 6, 2019
It's possible you sustained a minor nasal infection following the procedure but which is entirely unrelated with the dental work itself. The dentist may have passed it on or you may have contracted it coincidentally. You should see your doctor for some antibiotic gel to see whether that helps. It's possible the headaches are related to a changed bite following the procedure.

Do you think the symptoms may be related to the accident? Can you give more information about the accident and what parts of your body were involved?

I think it's not impossible that the nasal/sinus infection happened as parallel to tooth trouble after the trauma.
The trauma: I fell off my bike and hit the metal rail with the front of my face(teeth and nose). Although the problem really seems to be interconnected.

What antibiotic do you suggest? To be honest I'm not very keen on taking those...any natural remedies? Tumeric? ex.
Could headaches be really caused by changed bite?

Dec 6, 2017
I had something called Bactroban ointment (mupirocin calcium). It's not a tablet you take just a topical gel that you apply for a few days. I have found that natural remedies can make such things worse. They can irritate and inflame the skin.

Seems you had quite a nasty accident and that could be the cause of all the problems. Did you have a scan of your head and neck? Accident damage can manifest years later in all sorts of ways. For example if you have a bad sprain in your foot or arm you can get arthritic pain many years down the line. You should see a doctor.

Headaches can be caused by changed bite but it could also be down to the injury. If it's the bite then wearing a night guard on your teeth should eliminate the headaches. This would need to be made by your dentist.

It's always possible that this is caused by your dental work but as you have had so much trauma to the area you should consider other reasons.


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