They're trying to cheat or not?

Jan 3, 2014
Good morning.
I am 27 years old, I am writing to a problem of periodontitis .
I am writing you from italy to have an opinion and I hope foreign impartial.

I've always had problems with gingivitis and gingival rescission , even with good dental hygiene .
( In my family, my father and my uncle lost year for periodontitis teeth very early "no diabetes or cardiovascular disease " )I recently neglected hygiene and in a short time I got gingivitis .

So I went to two dentists , both very expensive and are listed , one in Milan and one in Genoa where I live .
What milano told me that I have gingivitis , which I already rescission bone , and the pockets in some places and I have to deal with a laser treatment :microbial analysis , 4 mechanical cleaning , laser cleaning 4 , 4 partial laser cleaning , and even surgical displacement of frenula for a total of almost $ 7000 !

to Genoa , where I was then , without saying that I was the first dentist in milan, he prescribed a simple mechanical cleaning and told me that was enough.
When I told him that I was from that of Milan, and I showed him the quote that made me , I said, we do not use the laser treatment , and it is not necessary in your case .
The first dentist specializing in the treatment of paradontiti , the second in implantology , I have to go to a third dentist?
I should care with the laser ?
Can you give me some advice?
Thanks in advance.


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