Possible still infection after tooth extraction?

Aug 16, 2023
Hello. Hoping I can get some feedback on this. I had a tooth extracted based on an infection that was a good size dark spot near the tooth they ended up extracting that had a crack in the root of a previous years ago root canaled tooth. I could not see the fracture but the oral surgeon said it many times is a hairline crack that allows bacteria in. I am 13 days out from the extraction was on amoxicillin for 8 full days twice a day the site is healing well it seems but I am now seeing the same pus spot come up again and that is concerning me as that was the purpose of removing and cleaning out the infection. Any advice? Tx all Posted pic as well of extraction area and pus spot.


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Aug 8, 2023
I can offer some general information based on your description. If you're concerned about possible infection after a tooth extraction, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider for accurate advice and diagnosis.

In some cases, even after a tooth extraction and antibiotic treatment, there might be lingering infection or complications. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Post-Extraction Healing: It's normal for the extraction site to have some degree of pus-like discharge (known as exudate) during the initial stages of healing. However, if you're noticing persistent or worsening pus, it could be a sign of ongoing infection.
  2. Incomplete Removal: If the infection was not fully removed during the extraction process, there's a possibility that some infected tissue or bacteria might remain, leading to the recurrence of pus and infection.
  3. Resistant Bacteria: Sometimes, the bacteria causing the infection might be resistant to the antibiotics prescribed. This could result in the infection not being fully eradicated.
  4. Reinfection: If proper oral hygiene practices are not maintained, reinfection can occur. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the healing site and cause complications.
  5. Foreign Object Reaction: Occasionally, a small piece of debris or foreign material might remain in the extraction site, causing irritation and discharge.
  6. Delayed Healing: Some individuals experience delayed healing, which might lead to prolonged discharge. This could be due to factors such as medical conditions, immune response, or the body's healing process.
Given the recurrence of pus and your concerns, it's important to reach out to your oral surgeon or dentist. They can examine the area, possibly perform tests, and provide appropriate guidance based on your specific situation. They might recommend further treatment, antibiotic adjustments, or additional cleaning of the area if necessary.

Remember, only a qualified healthcare professional can provide accurate assessment and guidance. If you have any worries about ongoing infection or complications, it's best to seek professional advice to ensure proper healing and prevent any further issues.



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
That is most likely to be due to a residual bone chip following the extraction - over time most of these little bits work to the surface and fall out. In rare cases maybe a bit of tooth remains.
You can go back to the dentist and he takes an Xray. Dead bone chip will look like live bone chip (so won't show up and therefore assumed), so would then numb you up and clean out the wound with a curette; simple. If it's a bit of tooth, it would show up on Xray but would also curette it out easily.


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