Need tooth advice

Jul 1, 2022
Long story short; I got my first ever filling (white composite bottom big middle molar tooth) in December 2021. I was told that the filling is quite close to the nerves but it should be ok. The filling didn't settle it was sensitive to everything pain on pressure etc. so I went back they told me to wait a couple months sometimes white fillings take longer to settle. I waited until May 2022 to get a root canal. The root canal was easy according to my dentist and was completely fine for about 1-2 weeks. It is now July 2022 I went back to my dentist with the same sensitivity and pressure pain problems only now it is more sharp rather than dull on pressure/temperatures. From the X rays my dentist couldn't really tell what's wrong with it as it seems completely fine but he suspects it could be fractured/broken. He told me to go to a specialist if I want a second opinion but he just wants to extract it because he said a broken tooth can't be fixed. He said " I wouldn't need a replacement tooth as it's just 1 tooth I would still be able to chew fine."

I'm just wondering what could have gone wrong here as it's just odd for me to have both a failed filling and root canal for the first time. I'm going to be worried to get another tooth filled again if needed in the future. Also wondering about consequences of not having a tooth implant there as I cannot afford it. To be honest I would be happy to get it extracted as I am very very sick of it.

(I might add I'm in the UK Scotland and I have an NHS dentist and I am under 26 so I get free basic treatment, he referred me to a private endonontist but I will only be able to afford an assessment even he could save my tooth as a private root canal is way too expensive for me.)

~ sorry for the weird phrasing I am badly dyslexic.

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Good day

Do you perhaps have any pre- and post-op x-rays that you can share, that might give us some more clinical information?

Jul 1, 2022
Unfortunately my dentist has them but according to my dentist it looks fine. He stated when I went back with the same sensitivity issue after the root canal procedure that if anything it actually looks better than before the root canal as the inflammation disappeared. He can't see cracks on the X ray he just said there's a shadow but that could be anything he only suspects it's a crack due to my symptoms. It just feels wrong to take the tooth out since I can still chew on it without discomfort most of the time. Although he didn't crown my tooth after the root canal I'm wondering if this caused it all.

Jul 1, 2022
I have managed to get a hold on one.


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Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
It is difficult to determine if there is a crack on a peri-apical x-ray, due to it being 2D. For a more accurate assessment, a 3D CBCT scan would be required. Although the possibility of a crack exists, it could also be that there was a missed canal or that the canals were short-filled. I always tell my patients, that once a tooth is gone, it is gone for good. So an assessment by an endodontist. might be a good idea, since there is a chance that the tooth can be saved.
If finances is an issue, then you will unfortunately have to make a difficult decision regarding treating or extracting the tooth.


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