Loose Tooth

Oct 8, 2013
This past Sunday, I bit into an apple slice and I notice a weird sensation as a began to chew. I did some investigating and discovered that the left front tooth was a loose. It's not terribly loose, but it's not as stable as the others either and it was noticeable when I was chewing.
I did not and have not experienced any pain. I've avoided chewing on that side since then. I believe the tooth is getting a little more stable, but frankly I don't want to to wiggle it any more than just very slightly; I don't want to undo any tightening it may have done.
I don't have gum disease. I was at the dentist literally the Wednesday before the incident for a cleaning and he gave me a clean bill of dental health.
I notice that that tooth has shifted down to sit lower than the other and it hits my bottom teeth slightly now. I don't know when that happened.
What is this? Is this something to be concerned about? Is this something to see the dentist about, or an orthodontist because my teeth shifted. (I had braces and I've been wearing my retainer)
Help please. Advice please.

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