I think my orthodontist may have killed one my teeth

May 26, 2017
I got my braces out 6 weeks ago, and have recently started noticing that one of my teeth are turning yellow. When my braces were taken out it was extremely painful (I was literally crying in pain). They 'squeezed' my teeth the day before they were taken out with elastic bands so my teeth were super sensitive too, I think that's why it hurt so so much. Literally, the most painful thing that has ever happened to me. At the time, I thought it was normal, but then I read online and asked friends and apparently no one else felt pain or very minimal pain when they got their braces off.

So I have reason to believe that when my orthodontist was taking the braces off, this has caused the tooth to become yellow as it experienced trauma, and it has only started turning yellow after this. Today when I visited my orthodontist, he noticed the yellow tooth too, and he said that it was internal. (I didn't realise it was internal) and he asked if I had experienced any tooth trauma. I said that perhaps it was when my braces were removed and he dismissed it. (Someone else removed my braces - not him, so he didn't see me in that much pain). He suggested it was when I had my 2 supernumerary teeth removed, which was abovish where the yellow tooth is. But this was over 2 years ago!

Is this tooth on its way to dying?
And is it possible that my orthodontist was the cause of this?
May 21, 2020
I got my braces out 6 weeks ago, and have recently started noticing that one of my teeth are turning yellow. When my braces were taken out it was extremely painful (I was literally crying in pain). They 'squeezed' my teeth the day before they were taken out with elastic bands so my teeth were super sensitive too, I think that's why it hurt so so much. Literally, the most painful thing that has ever happened to me. At the time, I thought it was normal, but then I read online and asked friends and apparently no one else felt pain or very minimal pain when they got their braces off.

So I have reason to believe that when my orthodontist was taking the braces off, this has caused the tooth to become yellow as it experienced trauma, and it has only started turning yellow after this. Today when I visited my orthodontist, he noticed the yellow tooth too, and he said that it was internal. (I didn't realise it was internal) and he asked if I had experienced any tooth trauma. I said that perhaps it was when my braces were removed and he dismissed it. (Someone else removed my braces - not him, so he didn't see me in that much pain). He suggested it was when I had my 2 supernumerary teeth removed, which was abovish where the yellow tooth is. But this was over 2 years ago!

Is this tooth on its way to dying?
And is it possible that my orthodontist was the cause of this?
I know this is an old thread but I'm having the same issue as well. The pain is unbearable and my orthodontist is saying that usually happens after removing the braces like indra said. But the pain is consistent and I don't like taking painkillers. Were you able to find a solution to this?

Jun 21, 2017
I know this is an old thread but I'm having the same issue as well. The pain is unbearable and my orthodontist is saying that usually happens after removing the braces like indra said. But the pain is consistent and I don't like taking painkillers. Were you able to find a solution to this?
If you get cracked enamel, it's better to have veneer on it, or composites restoration so that the dentin is no longer exposed. In the meantime, you can try using tooth paste for sensitive teeth to soothe the pain a little


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