Hole in temporary bridge

Apr 12, 2015
I recently got a six unit bridge on my upper teeth (for cosmetic reasons, no infection or root canal or anything. perfectly healthy teeth). My teeth were ground down and the temporary was placed on about five days ago. One of the teeth started hurting a few days ago and upon inspection with a mirror I found that there is a hole (about the size of a sesame seed now, it's about twice the size it was yesterday) on the inside part. The crown is just really thin in that area so I think it just wore away somehow. My question is, should I just leave it alone and keep up with brushing, or should I go back to the dentist and see if they can fix it? I get my permanent bridge in a little under a month, so it's quite a bit of time. Is having a hole dangerous to the tooth since it's been ground down? It hurts but I figure that's just because it's exposed. I don't want to get an infection or something and end up needing a root canal. Sorry if this was all over the place but I really don't know how to describe it any other way. Input/advice would be greatly appreciated!
Oct 31, 2014
Unfortunately, you may need to see your doctor for installation of a new crown. When a crown has a hole in it, the crown loses it's valuable structure and support. When you visit your dentist within the month, ask about the crown. They may be able to grind the crown down to a healthy condition.

If your tooth begins to hurt, I would immediately schedule an appointment with your dentist. Otherwise, you are most likely safe to wait until your next dental appointment, since it is so close.


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