Braces gone wrong. Please help!!!

Jan 7, 2017
I just had braces put on to only have them taken off after 5 days of wearing them. I'm looking for a second opinion on what went wrong with my braces. I'm 32 years old and haven't had my wisdom teeth removed yet. I wanted to have the teeth removed before I got the braces on but the orthodontist told me it was fine to put the braces on with the wisdom teeth. Also, I needed 2 of my lower teeth extracted and was told I needed braces on before the teeth could be extracted. Every person I talked to who had braces, said their wisdom teeth were removed first and their teeth were extracted. So why did my orthodontist put my braces on with all of those extra teeth still in my mouth? I have crowding and a very small mouth. The reason I had to get the braces taken off because of the amount of pain I was experiencing was unbearable. I felt like I couldn't breath because my mouth and lips were so swollen. I believe that having the teeth still in place with the braces putting pressure on them was too much for my mouth. I also had these things placed on my lower two front teeth to make them not move until my 2 extractions which caused a lot of pain. However, the orthodontist told me that it was normal to feel that pain. My pain wasn't getting any better and the swelling was only getting worse that I made the choice to have them taken off because I was truly worried what it was doing to me. I couldn't eat or sleep and was only taking excedrin to help the pain. The excedrin caused me to bleed when I went to the bathroom because there was no food in my stomach. I have pictures of what my mouth looked like if I get another orthodontists opinion. I really don't trust any doctors now so I'm hoping someone reaches out to me on this forum.

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