Biting pain

Jan 25, 2023
My regular dentist told me that a periodontal specialist would not actually deal with issues with the periodontal ligament. This makes no sense to me, and I have not tried to contact one yet, but if not, then who specializes in bruised or mystery symptoms with possibly the periodontal ligament.? I had to have a root canal on a tooth, two sessions,even since before the root canal I still have biting pressure and just touching pain. I haven’t eaten on that side since August. I went yesterday for the first part of a crown because the dentist said that possibly a new crown could stop this issue. Both dentist and the endodontist said the root canal looks beautiful and no one sees a crack anywhere my dentist yesterday put some dye on the tooth and said he does not see a deep crack there was a hairline crack that went away when he put pressure on it. something like that I really couldn’t understand but this is driving me crazy because 10 years ago I also had a root canal that wound up with biting pressure that wouldn’t go away and I had to have it pulled. What is wrong with my mouth? I am so nervous about this and I don’t know where to turn.

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Have they tried reducing the occlusion or possibly removing that tooth from your bite completely? Have you tried wearing a bite guard as well?

Jan 25, 2023
The tooth is not touching. It hurts when I touch it with my finger lightly anywhere. Right now the temporary crown is very low and not touching uppers. Even when I suck in my cheek on that side I get a “painful” ( I really don’t know how to describe this feeling) sensation. Yes I wear a night guard.


Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
It does seem strange. Maybe get a second opinion from another endodontist, to determine if a crack is present. I would not crown a tooth with such severe symptoms.

Apr 26, 2023
The tooth is not touching. It hurts when I touch it with my finger lightly anywhere. Right now the temporary crown is very low and not touching uppers. Even when I suck in my cheek on that side I get a “painful” ( I really don’t know how to describe this feeling) sensation. Yes I wear a night guard.
I am having same exact sensations. Whatever happened ?

Jan 25, 2023
I am having same exact sensations. Whatever happened ?
I went back to the endodontist, who told me once again that the x-rays look fantastic does not see a crack does not seem to want to even entertain that idea. He had me use mouthwash that stained my teeth for the inflammation in my gums, which is still there. I’m still having the biting pain. He wants to redo the root canal in July if I’m still having the biting pain. Then I saw another dentist and showed him the x-rays for a second opinion and he said they look beautiful. Also the only thing he could think was to see a neurologist to see if there’s something going on with the nerve that is causing the inflammation and pain in my Gums which I have an upcoming video appointment and I’m not all that thrilled about and I really don’t think that this is what’s happening it’s probably another crack. As of now I don’t know if I’m gonna go through with the redoing of the root canal because it’s very stressful but maybe I will just to see if the tooth can be saved. I don’t see how the endodontist can say. Come in and will see about a redo when he swears that the x-rays are beautiful, so is it one way or is it the other ? I am so frustrated with doctors dentist that I just don’t know where to turn. I’ve wasted so much money I would love to keep my tooth and have this will be put in the past, but it’s a combination of unqualified doctors not so great technology I just don’t know. I hope things work out better for you. Please let me know.

Apr 26, 2023
I went back to the endodontist, who told me once again that the x-rays look fantastic does not see a crack does not seem to want to even entertain that idea. He had me use mouthwash that stained my teeth for the inflammation in my gums, which is still there. I’m still having the biting pain. He wants to redo the root canal in July if I’m still having the biting pain. Then I saw another dentist and showed him the x-rays for a second opinion and he said they look beautiful. Also the only thing he could think was to see a neurologist to see if there’s something going on with the nerve that is causing the inflammation and pain in my Gums which I have an upcoming video appointment and I’m not all that thrilled about and I really don’t think that this is what’s happening it’s probably another crack. As of now I don’t know if I’m gonna go through with the redoing of the root canal because it’s very stressful but maybe I will just to see if the tooth can be saved. I don’t see how the endodontist can say. Come in and will see about a redo when he swears that the x-rays are beautiful, so is it one way or is it the other ? I am so frustrated with doctors dentist that I just don’t know where to turn. I’ve wasted so much money I would love to keep my tooth and have this will be put in the past, but it’s a combination of unqualified doctors not so great technology I just don’t know. I hope things work out better for you. Please let me know.
I feel you on all levels. I feel like I put this tooth thru college w the money I’ve spent on RCT / crown. My X-rays also look “beautiful,” no roots missed etc. but after my RCT I was in so much pain that they couldn’t put on the temp crown. That to me was a bad sign from the start. It’s been 10 weeks since perm crown; (RCT finished mid Jan) and it still hurts to chew / bite on it. I went to another Endo for a second opinion ( she did a RCT on me years ago; no issue). Saw inflammation ( like you) put me on a 6 day steroid pack and said let’s see. Some pain diminished but still can’t eat on it ( since Dec!). Went back last week and adjusted again ( tooth is so low ) and said since there was small improvement ; let’s check again in 3 weeks. Well, woke up today in pain. I must’ve clenched last night ( I wear a nightguard tho). Tooth is throbbing now and I fear I’m headed for extraction. No use in doing a retreatment RC bec it’s looks so good. It’s gotta be a fracture they can’t see on X-rays. I trust my doctors but I think there’s only so much they can do esp if they can’t see fractures on X-ray. The thought of extraction and $$ implant has my head spinning and my anxiety is through the roof. I guess they’re sending you to a neurologist to figure out if it’s nerve pain? I mean, duh. But to me, I feel it’s all stemming from the tooth. Like my tmj doesn’t hurt at all UNTIL this damn tooth starts hurting. UGH.

Jan 25, 2023
I agree with everything you said. I think this neuro visit is going to be all for nothing. So you are not going to try re-treatment? I wonder how many of these actually work. That’s more research for me to do. At this point I feel like I could be working in the medical profession after years of doctors, dentist, etc. mis- diagnosing or just shining me on… Like I said, I’ve been going back-and-forth on this I just don’t want to put myself through the stress since I already have really bad anxiety, and my blood pressure goes up at the drop of a hat in these situation’s.
And I envy you that you will go through and get the implant. I, having deep anxiety, I’m afraid of something happening getting the implants since I can’t even keep a root canal. I am afraid that there’s something going on in the bones of the gums or the ligaments that’s going to cause the implant to fail, and then, of course, there’s always the chance that some thing Will affect the bone or your jaw could crack, etc.. I just think I might go without the two back molars . I am so scared of even getting an implant since I seem to have issues like you with clenching and I don’t know if it’s done damage to the Perio ligaments, etc. I mean I know they said they can do the cone beam x-ray and check for the bones in their but... Hey guess what? they did to cone beam x-rays on me plus so many regular x-rays I can’t even count and I still may have a crack that is unseen. I was interested when you said you have a bite guard because you clench so in my expert opinion of almost being a doctor it almost feels like we did damage to our teeth/ligaments from clenching and/or grinding that there probably are cracks that can’t be seen. I am also waiting on a callback from a periodontist even just for the opinion on the x-rays of course they never called me back when they were supposed to. That’s nothing new is it ? I just don’t know but keep me posted on your progress. I really wish that the medical field had better diagnostic tools, and not to mention better physicians physicians. >

Apr 26, 2023
I agree with everything you said. I think this neuro visit is going to be all for nothing. So you are not going to try re-treatment? I wonder how many of these actually work. That’s more research for me to do. At this point I feel like I could be working in the medical profession after years of doctors, dentist, etc. mis- diagnosing or just shining me on… Like I said, I’ve been going back-and-forth on this I just don’t want to put myself through the stress since I already have really bad anxiety, and my blood pressure goes up at the drop of a hat in these situation’s.
And I envy you that you will go through and get the implant. I, having deep anxiety, I’m afraid of something happening getting the implants since I can’t even keep a root canal. I am afraid that there’s something going on in the bones of the gums or the ligaments that’s going to cause the implant to fail, and then, of course, there’s always the chance that some thing Will affect the bone or your jaw could crack, etc.. I just think I might go without the two back molars . I am so scared of even getting an implant since I seem to have issues like you with clenching and I don’t know if it’s done damage to the Perio ligaments, etc. I mean I know they said they can do the cone beam x-ray and check for the bones in their but... Hey guess what? they did to cone beam x-rays on me plus so many regular x-rays I can’t even count and I still may have a crack that is unseen. I was interested when you said you have a bite guard because you clench so in my expert opinion of almost being a doctor it almost feels like we did damage to our teeth/ligaments from clenching and/or grinding that there probably are cracks that can’t be seen. I am also waiting on a callback from a periodontist even just for the opinion on the x-rays of course they never called me back when they were supposed to. That’s nothing new is it ? I just don’t know but keep me posted on your progress. I really wish that the medical field had better diagnostic tools, and not to mention better physicians physicians. >
Yep to all of this. My second Endo who I trust implicitly said a re treatment prob wouldn’t do anything bec the root canal is so clean. She was super honest w me when I saw her and immed sad if this doesn’t get better we’ll take it out. But she saw no infection and said my bone looks good. No BS. My dentist wants me to ride it out as he thinks it’s just taking extra long for inflammation to quell. This feels too long tho. I personally can’t go thru another RC only to find a fracture and have to extract anyway. Like what’s the point. Wish there was a way to see inside the tooth. Plus the $$$ and I have dental insurance ( which hardly pays anyway). I told my dentist when he suggested “ dismantling “ everything (face palm) and going back in that my anxiety prob couldn’t handle that. Im a grown up who’s a big baby when it comes to dental work. As corny as it sounds I’m learning to trust my intuition and it’s telling me that would be a waste of time. If it needs to be extracted so be it ( although extracting a RC tooth means oral surgeon $$$). As for implant? I know they’ll push it but I’ll need many months to heal first and then I’ll see how I feel. I don’t like the idea of a metal screw in my jaw. I miss chewing on that side. I do think the clenching / grinding prob set that tooth up for failure anyway. It’s tooth 30, a big chewer, the molar most likely to crack !

Jan 25, 2023
Well, I’m kind of pissed off that this Endo, who came highly recommended, is telling me that he can do a redo when these x-rays of supposedly so beautiful says he into other Dentist. So what is his endgame? I had this trouble years before and at least that endodontist told me that he wouldn’t redo it because the x-rays were so perfect and I wound up getting that tooth pulled and then the oral surgeon who pulled it told me he never checked for a crack. His notes said the tooth was pulled due to decay.!? My three Dentists say they see no infection also but I don’t know why my gum is slightly inflamed. That’s the whole thing though these cone beam x-rays in these magnifiers that they use are supposed to be able to see. I don’t understand why they can’t see it crack, then is it so small in a noticeable but causes so much discomfort? And good luck getting an answer from one of your doctors. You were very lucky to have someone who is honest with you and you can understand because this guy that I went to who I like I said it was highly recommended is all chatter chatter chatter, the whole time and not about anything having to do with you and then when you try to ask him a medical question he is literally halfway out the door going to see another patient and gives you half assed answers. I don’t know how this endodontic practice, so highly recommended by different Dentists.
I also have insurance and they stink like most insurance companies. They wouldn’t even cover my second crown and I’m trying to fight them. What a joke it is in this country.
I know what you mean about intuition. intuition is telling me the same thing. Every time I put the symptoms into Google. It comes up crack. It occasionally comes up as a missed canal but if these x-rays are so clear, are there hidden canals?!
yep I’m also very afraid of getting the implant. I probably will not and I will just be missing both molar number 30 (this one, just like yours!) and 31( pulled years ago due to same sxs)
also, yes, you are right you have given it a lot of time. It will be a year for me in July since I had the intense toothache that was the start of it... Do These endodontists really think that it takes a year for it to heal? And my last journey; I lived with it for two years before having it pulled, and I’m not going through that again. I will learn to eat gingerly on that side. One thing that sucks about it is the space between your teeth just get wider. But I know I’m not a spring chicken anymore and I’ll just have to learn to live with that. There are a lot of worse things. I wish I could’ve kept my teeth, but that goes back to the bigger problem of living with lifelong anxiety and depression. Life‘s a bitch, isn’t it?

Apr 26, 2023
I think some of it is process of elimination. RC looks good but symptoms point to a fracture. Only can’t see small fractures in X-rays. The pain / discomfort on biting / chewing is also another symptom. Really can’t be much else. That is surprising that your oral surgeon didn’t check for a crack. I think it would’ve put your mind to ease a bit, right? Like “right it was indeed a fracture.” My whole debacle started Xmas week so my dentist wasn’t available but the $$ one was and got me into another Endo as well. They’re highly qualified etc but shit happens. Teeth fracture. I have a feel i v there was prob a small crack that got exacerbated during the RC. No one likes to pull a tooth. They all want us to wait it out. But I’m sitting here with a throbbing tooth now, getting myself up worked up about an extraction. Did your pain stop on the tooth when you had it extracted ? You’re right tho; I’m lucky to have a dentist and an a Endo ( 2 of them!) who listen and get back to me. I’ll keep you updated. Hang in there yourself. I get it !

Jan 25, 2023
Yes, exactly I don’t know why this oral surgeon another highly recommended. Individual did not check to see if there was a crack before he threw the tooth out. Is there a matter of fact the day I was there he seemed a little agitated, so I don’t know if he had something going on personally, but it was very unprofessional and now I will never know if the tooth was correct. But my history suggests with all the clenching that I probably do probably do..
I don’t have any pain unless I bite on the tooth. Also, when I touch the tooth top or on the sides, it’s not painful, Per se, but it is uncomfortable. And not normal.
it does seem that these Dentists & endodontist are all gung ho about saving the tooth which makes sense, but when you have symptoms that are pointing to a crack, especially when you have a history of possibly having a crack, then they should at least admit it. and then they want you to get an implant which has issues of its own. The last thing I want is somebody accidentally breaking my jewel or who knows what else. Once this tooth is pulled, I think I’m just going to live with no molars on that side and eat gingerly. I’m just happy I’m not young anymore for once.

Jan 25, 2023
I feel you on all levels. I feel like I put this tooth thru college w the money I’ve spent on RCT / crown. My X-rays also look “beautiful,” no roots missed etc. but after my RCT I was in so much pain that they couldn’t put on the temp crown. That to me was a bad sign from the start. It’s been 10 weeks since perm crown; (RCT finished mid Jan) and it still hurts to chew / bite on it. I went to another Endo for a second opinion ( she did a RCT on me years ago; no issue). Saw inflammation ( like you) put me on a 6 day steroid pack and said let’s see. Some pain diminished but still can’t eat on it ( since Dec!). Went back last week and adjusted again ( tooth is so low ) and said since there was small improvement ; let’s check again in 3 weeks. Well, woke up today in pain. I must’ve clenched last night ( I wear a nightguard tho). Tooth is throbbing now and I fear I’m headed for extraction. No use in doing a retreatment RC bec it’s looks so good. It’s gotta be a fracture they can’t see on X-rays. I trust my doctors but I think there’s only so much they can do esp if they can’t see fractures on X-ray. The thought of extraction and $$ implant has my head spinning and my anxiety is through the roof. I guess they’re sending you to a neurologist to figure out if it’s nerve pain? I mean, duh. But to me, I feel it’s all stemming from the tooth. Like my tmj doesn’t hurt at all UNTIL this damn tooth starts hurting. UGH.
See now I had three different dentists plus the endodontist tell me that if the pain didn’t go away, I should have it retreated even though my x-rays are textbook beautiful. So I don’t know what to do. I think they are just telling me it’s better to try and save the tooth before pulling it even though they don’t know how anxious I am, I did not have a good time with the first two part root canal. And I have no idea what a retreat is like but I am nauseous just thinking about it. I get very nervous and my blood pressure goes up and I just cannot bear the thought of going through this again on the other hand. If it saves the truth, it would be a miracle but on the other hand if it doesn’t work, I have to get it extracted anyway and of course I can’t get an implant because I’m too afraid of those so I will be left with no molars is on that side.

Jan 25, 2023
I think some of it is process of elimination. RC looks good but symptoms point to a fracture. Only can’t see small fractures in X-rays. The pain / discomfort on biting / chewing is also another symptom. Really can’t be much else. That is surprising that your oral surgeon didn’t check for a crack. I think it would’ve put your mind to ease a bit, right? Like “right it was indeed a fracture.” My whole debacle started Xmas week so my dentist wasn’t available but the $$ one was and got me into another Endo as well. They’re highly qualified etc but shit happens. Teeth fracture. I have a feel i v there was prob a small crack that got exacerbated during the RC. No one likes to pull a tooth. They all want us to wait it out. But I’m sitting here with a throbbing tooth now, getting myself up worked up about an extraction. Did your pain stop on the tooth when you had it extracted ? You’re right tho; I’m lucky to have a dentist and an a Endo ( 2 of them!) who listen and get back to me. I’ll keep you updated. Hang in there yourself. I get it !
Whatever happened in your situation? Did you have your tooth pulled? Thanks.

Apr 26, 2023
I had my tooth pulled (with bone graft) a month ago and am happy as a clam! Easy extraction (all in one piece; took like 15 seconds!) and healed up fast. Really wish I would’ve pulled this tooth earlier. Will do implant in 6 months or so. Bottom line: NO PAIN!

Jan 25, 2023
I had my tooth pulled (with bone graft) a month ago and am happy as a clam! Easy extraction (all in one piece; took like 15 seconds!) and healed up fast. Really wish I would’ve pulled this tooth earlier. Will do implant in 6 months or so. Bottom line: NO PAIN!
That’s great. I am afraid of getting an implant so if I have to go that route, I will just be without 2 molars.
did you have a bone graft? Are you not afraid of having a metal rod placed in your jaw for the implant? I am!

Apr 26, 2023
That’s great. I am afraid of getting an implant so if I have to go that route, I will just be without 2 molars.
did you have a bone graft? Are you not afraid of having a metal rod placed in your jaw for the implant? I am!
Yes, got the bone graft the same time as extraction. My bone in that area was already good tho. I’m not afraid of an implant because the person who would be doing it is someone I trust. ( It would be who did the extraction). But I’m not in a hurry either. Gonna see how I feel : how I go the next few months. I am just relieved to not have tooth pain anymore.


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