I am looking into getting cosmetic dentistry done, but after consulting with my Dentist I am at a crossroads of what to do.
Background on myself: I am a 26 year old healthy male. I used to grind my teeth in college severely which has led me to being here. I have lost what I would consider to be a healthy amount of enamel on my top and bottom teeth - enough for me to notice a fairly large difference in looking into old photos of my smile. This has also led to me having a minor collapsed bite. All in all, my teeth are straight and look okay, they've just been shaven down by grinding. I do wear a night guard, and have not done any additional damage to my teeth in a couple of years.
I consulted my Dentist this week at my semi-annual cleaning to discuss restorative/cosmetic options. My obvious concerns I mentioned were wanting to open up my smile to make it look fuller and not so collapsed, and possibly veneers/crowns to make my teeth fuller/longer as well.
After my appointment, my dentist emailed me some options. The option she encouraged me to do was "crown lengthening," which I am not very much on board with considering I don't see how this would open up my bite, only make my teeth appear longer. I am going to consult other dentists, but ultimately I want to look through every option before I make a permanent decision on my teeth. I have attached photos of my teeth as well as 3D images I got on them. Please feel free to offer any suggestions!
Background on myself: I am a 26 year old healthy male. I used to grind my teeth in college severely which has led me to being here. I have lost what I would consider to be a healthy amount of enamel on my top and bottom teeth - enough for me to notice a fairly large difference in looking into old photos of my smile. This has also led to me having a minor collapsed bite. All in all, my teeth are straight and look okay, they've just been shaven down by grinding. I do wear a night guard, and have not done any additional damage to my teeth in a couple of years.
I consulted my Dentist this week at my semi-annual cleaning to discuss restorative/cosmetic options. My obvious concerns I mentioned were wanting to open up my smile to make it look fuller and not so collapsed, and possibly veneers/crowns to make my teeth fuller/longer as well.
After my appointment, my dentist emailed me some options. The option she encouraged me to do was "crown lengthening," which I am not very much on board with considering I don't see how this would open up my bite, only make my teeth appear longer. I am going to consult other dentists, but ultimately I want to look through every option before I make a permanent decision on my teeth. I have attached photos of my teeth as well as 3D images I got on them. Please feel free to offer any suggestions!