Back lower molar extracted

Sep 12, 2022
I had a bad tooth for awhile and when the lock downs hit, no one would deal with me. This caused massive infection to go through me, off and on. I would get antibiotics to kill most of it by presp. from dentist and that's all they would offer. In 2021 all I heard for the next year was we're backed up 9 months. So just recently since everything has calmed down, I had a miracle and got an appointment at my dentist, an xray showed my root fractured in an upside down V. I currently had a red eye and swelling, and was told to do eyedrops. Three days later the extraction was horrendous, as the surgeon pulled hard and caused a lot of trauma on me. He got the complete tooth out after 2 minutes. He was known as a good surgeon for the reason why my dentist sent me to him. I was given penicillin and sent home with instructions, which i followed. After a day, the bleeding stopped and I removed the gauze and did nothing. I had intense pain from shots. I ate soft foods and avoided the area, 1 day later started gently swishing with salt water. The thing ached a little. I had swelling for a week, and a black and blue mark on my chin. I recently went through all my antibiotics, I still have a red eye, and a little pain above eyebrow on head, feels like a headache. The swelling has gone down a lot, yet I have traces of light swelling. My question is what causes a dull pain now to be going through other teeth and every now and every now and then I get a small dull pain from extraction. I don't have bad breath, nor is the pain intense. My left eye burns and is red. It's been 12 days, should I get any more meds for my eye, do you think I have an infection in my head? I read on another forum that this dentist said in his 30 years he's never seen an infection in the brain. That your immunity kills most bacteria from abscesses. So does any of this sound normal as I have never had a tooth pulled. Is this normal healing for all the infection that I had over the years?
I'm afraid to take a pic of it, or look at it. honestly


Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
Penicillin is a narrow spectrum antibiotic compared to Amoxicillin. I'm suspecting that your infection is not fully resolved. Go back to the surgeon for a follow up. It is impossible to diagnose you in this forum.

Sep 12, 2022
The oral surgeon is 180 miles away, as I live in an area of only 4 dentist. I went to my dentist and he said the tooth is healing well. He gave me amoxicillin to take, I just don't understand the pain in my jaw as well as extracted area, which is now pain is going up to the teeth on upper area. The extraction looks solid white, and the dentist told me it's filling in, if he packed it, it would just go backwards.



Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
Wow, can you go to your physician to get your eye checked and make sure you don't have a fever and all your lymph nodes are ok. At this point, finish your Amoxicillin and hope it resolves. I understand it is very hard to travel that far.

Sep 12, 2022
On the day I went to the dentist, which I don't believe he diagnosed it correctly, I went next door to my doctor about my eye. She said I had allergies, I do have symptoms of allergies. It is really bad this year, anyway the more I live with this pain, the more I realize this is a dry socket. I feel the dentist was wrong, the medical system here is terrible and very back woods. I myself feel its the bone that I see as at night the pain runs through that area and now going to the upper teeth. I have no fever-97, no bad taste, none of the symptoms that go with a dry socket. I have a sinus headache as I sneeze a lot and my head is stuffed. I also feel the amoxicillin isn't helping the pain and I read that dry sockets heal on their own in a week or two. I will continue to take the medz and see what happens, other than that I'm clueless of this pain.



Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
I'm sorry for your suffering. I'm working emergencies this morning and my assistant went home sick. According to a respected pharmacist who spoke at our conference. You can take a cocktail of ibuprofen 600 mg (3 caps) and eat because it tears up your stomach, Tylenol, and Benadryl at night. In the morning, switch Benadryl to caffeine. If those don't work, have your dentist prescribe you something stronger.


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