Veneers the biggest regret of my life

Mar 19, 2018
When I was 25 I had 8 porcelain veneers on my top teeth. Totally unnecessary procedure in my case, I had very strong healthy teeth (a lifetime of no sweets or fizzy drinks and brush and floss twice a day) I went to my dentist about straightening out a tiny kink and I ended up coming out with veneers. I had these done by a highly qualified and respected cosmetic dentist in London. I have not any problems with them and would always recommend my professional dentist, and she told me that I hardly needed any prep work... HOWEVER, I didn't realize how much this would psychologically affect me, having something foreign permanently attached to my teeth. Every time I look in the mirror and at photos I hate them because they are not my teeth, they are too big for my small features and lips and without droning on too much it is killing my self esteem and making me depressed. I wish I go could back to my natural teeth and I pray that one day stem cell technology will mean that I can have these removed and rebuild my natural enamel. I am in despair I wish I could turn back the clock and stop myself having them. Does anyone have any similar feelings?
Dec 6, 2017
Hi Mrslondon I know exactly how you feel. I was talked into veneers in my mid-twenties and they ruined my teeth and also killed my self-esteem. I wouldn't have needed most of the dental work I've had if I had not had these veneers because over the years one thing has led to another as you need work replaced etc. I grieved the loss of my strong and healthy front teeth. I only had four veneers but it was such a negative change. The dentist did not tell me he would be drilling my biting surface off and he was totally useless when I went back because they were hurting and I could feel sensitivity when the wind blew on my teeth. They were far too bulky and looked totally fake. I ended up having crowns as that was the only way to reduce the bulk. Nobody tells you then you can no longer bite your nails or nibble. Maybe now they have better materials but it's never the same as your natural tooth. You have to move on though because nothing can bring back what you have lost, there is currently no way to regenerate the enamel. How long ago did you have them done?

Jun 20, 2018
MrsLondon and Busybee, I too was the victim of a predator dentist who wanted to make lots of money off me by doing unnecessary work of veneers. Getting veneers was the worst thing I've ever done in my life by far, and I too went to a very expensive, reputable dentist but the veneers are also too big and bulky for my mouth and they have erased my natural bite, leaving my jaw always not knowing where to rest, and various other problems; the veneers even caused sleep apnea since my bottom jaw has to go backwards to accommodate the bulky veneers otherwise I cannot close my mouth at all! I was told so many lies when he was talking me out of braces and into veneers. There are many, many predator dentists out there just to make money, and they don't care if they ruin people's lives in the process. I had perfectly straight, very healthy teeth (only one cavity ever in my whole life) but they were gapped, and we live in such an idiotic world that we are made to believe gaps between teeth are unsightly and need "correction" when in reality we should be happy we have all our natural teeth and they are health and strong. The world has gone mad with all this cosmetic dentistry and so many people are now becoming suicidal because of it. Dentists are not held accountable, and I can only hope that predator dentists start being shot and killed by patients one by one, lots of them, because that is the only way to get justice for the ruination of people's live by greedy scumbag dentists.

Dec 6, 2017
I'm sorry to hear that you went through the same nightmare. How long ago did you have the work done and how many veneers did you have?

It can be corrected to improve appearance and bite but you can never retrieve the original structure.

It's a lot easier to have thinner veneers these days. When I had them done a lot of the technology they have now wasn't around. So I ended up having perfectly healthy teeth crowned just to reduce the bulk. I mourned the loss, I was devastated. You don't realise how much you take your healthy teeth for granted until you suddenly have a shoddy substitute for natural tooth. Many dentists now are a lot more careful in fitting unnecessary veneers. The dentist who did mine was literally out of dental school. The veneers were his idea.

Dentists don't realise that patients can become suicidal because of their shoddy work and what it can do to your appearance. Many have no clue about facial aesthetics. Cosmetic dentistry should carry a health warning.



Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
Were all the work done in Europe? In the US, the dentists need informed consent to proceed with any work. Cosmetic dentistry is very labor intensive as well as expensive. You need to have a mock up where the dental technician wax up your new teeth in mounted upper and lower stone models. The dentists need to evaluate your bite and vertical biting dimensions to minimize fracture and damage of any cosmetic work. A lot of dentists get sued by lawyers for many reasons and the licensing Boards are always on the look out for suspect work.

Dec 6, 2017
Honestdoc in the UK in the 80s and even the 90s NHS dentists would not even tell you what they planned to do. They would go into your mouth and start drilling. There was no discussion.

Jun 20, 2018
My veneers were done five years ago, and they included some crowns that I didn't even know was going to happen; I didn't even know what a crown was then suddenly I have a bunch in my mouth! They are very thick and bulky and fake looking, and my natural bite was obliterated in the process. I too was pushed into veneers very hard over several months until I finally broke in and trusted him to do it. The dentist kept saying I was too old to get braces and that my teeth cannot be whitened and basically that veneers are my only option... and he lied about everything; for example he said they just barely sand the surface of the teeth to place a veneer that will last at least 15 or 20 years, and that it will look, feel, and function exactly like the natural tooth, that I won't even notice it.... all lies. I believe only a bullet to his head will bring justice!

I'm sorry to hear that you went through the same nightmare. How long ago did you have the work done and how many veneers did you have?

It can be corrected to improve appearance and bite but you can never retrieve the original structure.

It's a lot easier to have thinner veneers these days. When I had them done a lot of the technology they have now wasn't around. So I ended up having perfectly healthy teeth crowned just to reduce the bulk. I mourned the loss, I was devastated. You don't realise how much you take your healthy teeth for granted until you suddenly have a shoddy substitute for natural tooth. Many dentists now are a lot more careful in fitting unnecessary veneers. The dentist who did mine was literally out of dental school. The veneers were his idea.

Dentists don't realise that patients can become suicidal because of their shoddy work and what it can do to your appearance. Many have no clue about facial aesthetics. Cosmetic dentistry should carry a health warning.

Jun 20, 2018
Were all the work done in Europe? In the US, the dentists need informed consent to proceed with any work. Cosmetic dentistry is very labor intensive as well as expensive. You need to have a mock up where the dental technician wax up your new teeth in mounted upper and lower stone models. The dentists need to evaluate your bite and vertical biting dimensions to minimize fracture and damage of any cosmetic work. A lot of dentists get sued by lawyers for many reasons and the licensing Boards are always on the look out for suspect work.
Hi, the veneers were done in the US, and yes there was a "mock up" plate that I kept saying does not look right and is too big, too bulky, and all the teeth on the right were bigger than all on the left, and he kept saying the actual veneers will look different from the mock up; they will be thinner and all equal sizes instead of all right side being bigger... but it was all lies, they turned out exactly like the mock up, actually even worse!

As for evaluating my bite; he did not as far as I know; because I no longer have a bite at all. Only the teeth in the back make contact; only wisdom teeth. I cannot bite into a piece of bread or apple or anything becuase of huge space between top and bottom teeth; and my bottom jaw went really far backwards to accomodate the veneers and now it just stays backwards all the time becuase if the veneers ever touch each other, they all hurt like crazy! As for suing, apparently a person needs another dentist to write up a statement that declares that they incompetent dentist did not adhere to normal standards of dentisty; but no dentist will do that; they all cover for each other. I have visited many to have evaluations and they all say they will not write a statement even though verbally they give me a list of opinions on how bad my work was. I hate the USA and I hope this whole country just goes down in flames!



Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
I'm sorry you feel that way. I have been practicing for 20 years and just recently, I have my first law suit pending. A patient is suing me for her deteriorating teeth. It does help me that she was arrested on meth related charges twice. If you Google Meth Mouth images, that is what I had to work on. So yes, we dentists can get sued in the US.

Jul 11, 2020
When I was 25 I had 8 porcelain veneers on my top teeth. Totally unnecessary procedure in my case, I had very strong healthy teeth (a lifetime of no sweets or fizzy drinks and brush and floss twice a day) I went to my dentist about straightening out a tiny kink and I ended up coming out with veneers. I had these done by a highly qualified and respected cosmetic dentist in London. I have not any problems with them and would always recommend my professional dentist, and she told me that I hardly needed any prep work... HOWEVER, I didn't realize how much this would psychologically affect me, having something foreign permanently attached to my teeth. Every time I look in the mirror and at photos I hate them because they are not my teeth, they are too big for my small features and lips and without droning on too much it is killing my self esteem and making me depressed. I wish I go could back to my natural teeth and I pray that one day stem cell technology will mean that I can have these removed and rebuild my natural enamel. I am in despair I wish I could turn back the clock and stop myself having them. Does anyone have any similar feelings?
Who was your dentist I was 18?Worst experience my life? Already on my second pair 30k down and only 34. We should make a website with all dentists. Just need pictures

Jul 11, 2020
Hi, the veneers were done in the US, and yes there was a "mock up" plate that I kept saying does not look right and is too big, too bulky, and all the teeth on the right were bigger than all on the left, and he kept saying the actual veneers will look different from the mock up; they will be thinner and all equal sizes instead of all right side being bigger... but it was all lies, they turned out exactly like the mock up, actually even worse!

As for evaluating my bite; he did not as far as I know; because I no longer have a bite at all. Only the teeth in the back make contact; only wisdom teeth. I cannot bite into a piece of bread or apple or anything becuase of huge space between top and bottom teeth; and my bottom jaw went really far backwards to accomodate the veneers and now it just stays backwards all the time becuase if the veneers ever touch each other, they all hurt like crazy! As for suing, apparently a person needs another dentist to write up a statement that declares that they incompetent dentist did not adhere to normal standards of dentisty; but no dentist will do that; they all cover for each other. I have visited many to have evaluations and they all say they will not write a statement even though verbally they give me a list of opinions on how bad my work was. I hate the USA and I hope this whole country just goes down in flames!
I have Had all of this issues. It happened to me. Everything you said issues it’s biggest scam in dental healthcare. I made a website blog 16 years ago. Bad veneers and was all removed by gOogle

Jul 11, 2020
My veneers were done five years ago, and they included some crowns that I didn't even know was going to happen; I didn't even know what a crown was then suddenly I have a bunch in my mouth! They are very thick and bulky and fake looking, and my natural bite was obliterated in the process. I too was pushed into veneers very hard over several months until I finally broke in and trusted him to do it. The dentist kept saying I was too old to get braces and that my teeth cannot be whitened and basically that veneers are my only option... and he lied about everything; for example he said they just barely sand the surface of the teeth to place a veneer that will last at least 15 or 20 years, and that it will look, feel, and function exactly like the natural tooth, that I won't even notice it.... all lies. I believe only a bullet to his head will bring justice!
They all say same thing. Minimal tooth just like fingernail. It’s all BS. Fingernails grow back and veneer actually goes under the tooth as well. It does not just lay on top

Jun 20, 2018
Who was your dentist I was 18?Worst experience my life? Already on my second pair 30k down and only 34. We should make a website with all dentists. Just need pictures
Yes, let's start a website that lists predator dentists and we can host it in Russia through a friend of mine so that the scumbags cannot get it taken down. As long as we tell the truth we will have no problems regardless. I am a web-designer and I know how to do all the coding, backend database construction, etc. I have wanted to do this for years; to create a venue where people can tell their true stories and list the dentists by name. I am planning to consult an attorney to find out what I need to keep in mind when creating such a website, as it will become global and expose many predator scumbag dentists, but I imagine it will be mainly in the USA as this country has no ethics and it's always just about the money. I did speak with a couple of honest dentists who were utterly horrified by the work done on me, but they are not interested in showing up in a courtroom; they really just don't care that much as a day in court will mean lost income for them; this country cares nothing about predator medical industry; this country is hardly anything beyond just a giant blood-sucking medical industry designed to extract as much money out of as many people as possible as a way of life. So we all need to do it ourselves; exposure of the filth through the power of truth, and suing in court.
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