Piece of tooth just came out

May 19, 2019
Years back I had a dentist who essentially "planed down" the backs of my two front teeth. He said he was doing it as part of a bite adjustment, but it never made any sense to me because I have an overbite and my two front teeth do not make contact with any other teeth in my mouth. I noticed after this that those bottom parts of my teeth seemed fragile, almost transparent and another issue is that since he did that, it has always extremely uncomfortable for my tongue to make contact with the backs of my two front teeth - it feels kind of rough and sharp like sandpaper. I told the dentist about this at the time and he said he could polish it to make it smoother, but whatever he did not make it better but worse, so after that I didn't bring it up again, because I did not want to risk any more damage to my teeth.

Fast forward to the present. I just felt something kind of jagged at the bottom my front tooth. I put my finger in to touch the jagged area and a chunk of the bottom middle section of the tooth simply came out!! leaving a gap in the middle of the tooth. This is the part of the tooth my previous dentist had "planed down." I'm sure the tooth structure was weakened by what he did, but I never expected anything like this would happen.

I'm hoping someone can give me some feedback on this. I'm traveling overseas right now and wondering what I should expect if I go see a dentist in the country where I am. What is normally done for something like this? Would this basically be a cosmetic procedure? Would a dentist simply be able to fill the area where there is now a gap in my front tooth or is it more complicated?

Thanks for your feedback.

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
I think your case is a bit more complicated. I would definitely suggest a full consultation and bite analysis is necessary. Would need to rule out any possible malocclusions and need for orthodontic treatment.
Unfortunately a lot more information is necessary to adequately comment on this case.



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Quite often what patients think is a bit of a broken lower tooth is actually tartar fracturing off. Send us a photo.


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