I haven't been to the dentist for 25 years

Mar 14, 2013
I'd like advice on what to expect from a dentist visit.

I recently turned 40. My last dentist visit was when I was in my mid-teens (maybe 15?).

I really don't remember much about what the dentist is like. I've never dealt with paying for it.

My teeth have served me well. They look pretty good. Gums seem strong and are not over-sensitive.

My oral care is moderately good. I floss once or twice per week. I brush 2-3 times per day. For the last several years I've used an electric Sonicare brush. I also use a Waterpik filled with 50% Listerene solution every morning (sometimes 2-3 times per day).

My gums are healthy compared to what I've been reading from others here. They have good color and rarely bleed when I floss. They aren't overly tender.

My one gum issue is from dipping tobacco for 20+ years. The gum around the canine and first premolar on one side on the bottom has receded from tobacco use. It doesn't cause any issues, but it is obviously not right when I compare the two sides (I always use tobacco on the same side).

I have a couple issues that I want to get repaired before I have an emergency, and I just need to go because I'm long overdue.

I have a large cavity visible in the back molar on the lower right side. The grooves in the top of the molar are black. I think it may be an old filling that fell out. I noticed the large cavity when I was inspecting my teeth a couple months ago and it has really been worrying me. I'm sure it will cause me pain sometime soon. I also have tiny light-brown spots on several teeth that I suspect are the early signs of a cavity.

I have had a good-paying (~$50k) job with dental coverage for about three years now. I've been putting off a dentist visit because I didn't want to have an insurance claim with a new job. I wasn't sure if it would effect my employer's view of me. I'm now well established at my job and just need to go to the dentist.

My insurance pays 100% "preventative" care, 90% "basic" care, and 60% "major" care. There is a $1000 annual maximum. I can afford to pay $500-$1000 out-of-pocket right now.

My biggest worry is cost and managing what I spend. Is there a person at a dentist office who will be able to discuss how to treat any problems I may have? I'll probably need to prioritize my treatment and take care of issues over a few years. Will the doctor fight me on this?

Is there any buyer-beware advice? Are there dentist up-sell techniques I should avoid?

How much care does $1500 buy, if I need major care (as defined by my insurance) what will it cost? Is there a reference somewhere to learn what different procedures should cost?

Is there a possibility that having a cleaning while I have that big cavity could cause the issue to become an urgent need? Right now it doesn't cause me any pain. My worry is that the Hygienist could damage the tooth.

Any advice is welcome. The thought of visiting the dentist is causing me more fear than a 40 year old man should be feeling. I'm worried about being an uninformed consumer, coming up with the money, and just worried about the thought of having someone poke around in my mouth. I don't mean any offense to any professionals, but it is scary for someone who hasn't been to a doctor before.

Thanks you for any guidance or feedback you can provide.

Jan 21, 2013
According to your problems, they may effect your oral health.
Tobacco, smoking or drinking effect oral health badly. Hope you may overcome of this habit.
Please try to overcome the problem of fearing form dentist. They will not eat you.
You should see a dentist that will help you to take a decision regarding your oral heath.


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