hello I have been a dental assistant for the last 11 years and have loved most every minute of it..and those I didn't had everything to do with the people and not the profession..lol I don't care for social media for the most part which is why I sought out a place with other dental professionals to chat with..Anyhow. for a long time ive wanted to earn my expanded functions cerification and have only recently been able to start the process.. I have successfully completed the "training course" and have only the competency portion to complete. Which under normal circumstances wouldn't be a problem..exvept that I happen to work in a state funded pediatric office.. so therefore permanent crown preps and periodontal dressing is unheard of. One of my instructors of my EFDA course suggested youtubeiing ways to simulate these skills. which I thought was a genius idea until I actually tried it... and nowhere have I been able to find on youtube or otherwise any ways to practice or simulate a crown prepped tooth, or a way to practice packing gingival retraction cord or taking final impressions(especially when we don't have the vps material in office)or temporary crown making...I am beyond frustrated and am hoping one of you may have suggestions on how I may do this. ive even searched the internet looking for a typodon to buy that has a tooth prepped for a crown and has gingiva that I can practice packing cord into and I cannot seem to locate one...I am willing to purchase materials to complete these tasks but must be within reason..PLEASE HELP!!!