I had an implant placed and the crown put on #3 (I believe #3 it is top right 3rd back from canine) about two weeks ago. I also have other dental issues with my back teeth including the one directly below the implant. I tried biting on a floss pick between the implant tooth and and the suspected tooth below it about two days after the crown was installed to see if there was pain in the lower tooth and heard a crack and a pain in the bone of the implant. Now when I bite on anything that is firm I get a pain in the bone where the implant is. It doesn't hurt unless I bite on something firm. Out of embarrassment I didn't tell my endodontist how I did it I just told her my implant hurt when I chewed. She did an X-Ray and other tests and said the implant looks good. My question is will it normally heal? Should I tell the endodontist how I did it? Thanks.