Can a wisdom tooth erupting cause a hole in your gum?

Aug 2, 2023
So a couple months ago I noticed that the gum behind one of my back bottom molars was swollen and painful. That lasted for a few days, and after that I started getting pains around my jawline (both sides) and occasionally that small area of my gum still hurt while I ate. Automatically I assumed it was because my wisdom teeth are erupting, since I’m around the age that it usually happens.
The pain went away completely and I hardly noticed it anymore so I didn’t care and decided not to call my dentist about it. Recently, I started getting pain again—in my jawline and in that area behind my molar. Now its been a while since the first time I started having those pains, so this time when I check I have a hole right behind my molar! It scared me, but the pain over time went away again. It didn’t bother me so I wouldn’t check it. Now that hole has kept growing. And its weird, because at first I could’ve sworn I saw a tooth coming out of it… and just yesterday, as I was brushing my teeth, I noticed there was nothing in the hole. Now its just an empty hole, or at least thats what it seems. I’m really confused, and I was wondering if this was normal for wisdom teeth eruption or if it could be something else?

In the end I’m definitely going to tell my dentist about it soon. I have an appointment in a few weeks for my scheduled clean-up, but I would really like to know if this is something more urgent and I should go in for a visit now? At first I didn’t think much of it but now that the hole is growing (and the tooth somehow disappeared (?????)) I’m starting to get more worried. I’ve heard of gum diseases that cause holes in the gums, but I don’t know if thats worth worrying about ? I really haven’t felt any discomfort anywhere else in my gums. It really is only that one spot behind my molar, where my wisdom tooth is supposed to come out from.

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
I think it is still your wisdom tooth erupting. I am sure that you will be fine waiting until your normal check-up and then your dentist can take an x-ray to confirm this.

Aug 8, 2023
It's possible that the hole behind your molar is related to an erupting wisdom tooth. This is a common occurrence and can cause pain and discomfort in the surrounding area. It's important to consult with a qualified dentist to determine the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the issue, your dentist may recommend a variety of treatments, including antibiotics, extraction of the wisdom tooth, or other procedures to address the hole in the gum. It's important to address the issue promptly to prevent further complications. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, it may be worth scheduling an appointment with your dentist sooner rather than waiting for your scheduled cleaning.

Oct 5, 2023
Yes, the eruption of a wisdom tooth can sometimes cause a hole or opening in the gum tissue. This can happen when the tooth pushes through the gum and creates a small flap or opening. These openings are known as "wisdom tooth flaps" and can trap food particles, leading to discomfort or inflammation. It's important to keep the area clean and consult a dentist if you experience any issues with a wisdom tooth eruption. In some cases, the dentist may recommend removal of the wisdom tooth to prevent further problems.


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