Brand new associate dentist struggling with UDAs

Sep 5, 2023
Hi, I started as an associate dentist this september following my FD year. The practice have given me a target of 20 UDAs a day which I thought was manageable. However, after my first 3 days I have realised how tough this target is for me. I have some high needs patients that take up a lot of my time and will need to come back for multiple treatment appointments and so far I am averaging 10 UDAs a day and coming home exhausted. I had a patient in today for an extraction and immediate addition to a CoCr, so i'll get 3 UDAs (at £11 per UDA) but it's costing me £75 in lab fees so I've paid for the pleasure of treating this patient. I don't want to seem ungrateful as I know as a qualified dentist I am in privileged positive but if I continue like this I'm looking at a salary of £26,400 per year which after 5 years of dental school doesn't really make financial sense. How am I meant to earn more???

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