Sudden non-painful sensitivity

Apr 22, 2019
Hi! I'm hopeful to get some feedback before I make an appointment with my dentist about some sudden sensitivity in my lower 4 teeth.

Saturday afternoon(June 1st) I had fruit punch slushie from McDonalds, and a few hours later I noticed a cold/sensitive sensation in my bottom 4 front teeth. Its almost a ticklish sensation. It's not painful and it feels no different when I eat or drink something hot or cold. When I wake up in the morning, the sensation is completely gone. Using mouthwash and brushing doesnt bring it back. It only seems to come back a few hours into the morning after I've drank cold water. During the day it seems to go away when I'm busy working and not thinking about it, but comes back again a little while after drinking my water

The only things that have changed recently that I can think of are : I got Tetanus and Hepatitis A vaccines on May 30th. I had also been using Chlorhexidine consistently for about a week prior to this. My dentist prescribed it to me due to my front upper gums bleeding around my veneers/crowns, but I hadnt only been using it once or twice a week for the last few months until a little over a week ago.

My teeth and gums look no different to my untrained eye. I notice no swelling or inflammation either.

It has seemed to get slightly better over the last few days, but how long should I wait for it to go away before making an appointment with my dentist?

Thank you for any feedback!
Apr 22, 2019
Well, he gave me unlimited refills. I havent even used half of the first bottle though.

Every cleaning since I've had veneers and crowns placed on my front four upper teeth, they bleed alot apparently. For the first 2 or 3 years, the hygienist and dentist seemed like they didnt believe me when I said I flossed them every single day. He eventually gave me the Chlorhexidine about a year and a half ago. To be honest , I hardly used it. I still had over half the bottle left when i threw it out . In February he prescribed a new bottle which I used about 1 time a week . I finally stopped being lazy about a week and half ago and had been using it every night until this sensitivity started.

The sensitivity has been getting better. Instead of all 4 lower front teeth feeling it, it's now just the 2 leftmost incisors. Although eating,drinking, or touching it doesnt bother them I can feel a sensitive spot with my tongue on the gum just below the tooth on this inside

Dec 6, 2017
How often do you visit the hygienist? Has the dentist checked that the margin on your crowns/veneers are good? With normal hygiene, you don't normally get inflamed gums like that unless the fit is poor making it harder to really clean the area well.

Apr 22, 2019
I go every 6 months. To be honest, I dont have complete confidence in my dentist in that area. He is the one that did the veneers and crowns. I believe you replied to my thread in the cosmetic section a month or so ago regarding them.

The hygienist mentions the bleeding to him everytime . And every time I get lectured about flossing

Dec 6, 2017
You really should get a second opinion on all the work you've had done. Given your issues you should be seeing a hygienist every three months. I would change dentists.

Try to avoid getting very sweet and acid drinks getting on your teeth and get a second opinion about the Chlorhexidine. I'm not sure anything like that should be used long term. I am personally against using mouth washes routinely as I think they are full of chemicals that upset your mouth's PH, but that's just my opinion. Dentists here may have different views on mouth wash. Apparently these products are championed by the dental profession (according to the marketing).

You should be referred to a periodontist who will be able to ascertain whether the problem is related to your dental work or your gums. It could be that you have a genetic disposition to gum disease, but it could be your margins. If you do have a genetic predisposition then you should be seeing a perio regularly for a proper clean and treatment to help manage the gums. But a periodontist will be able to give you advice and the right products and treatment.

Apr 22, 2019
You really should get a second opinion on all the work you've had done. Given your issues you should be seeing a hygienist every three months. I would change dentists.

Try to avoid getting very sweet and acid drinks getting on your teeth and get a second opinion about the Chlorhexidine. I'm not sure anything like that should be used long term. I am personally against using mouth washes routinely as I think they are full of chemicals that upset your mouth's PH, but that's just my opinion. Dentists here may have different views on mouth wash. Apparently these products are championed by the dental profession (according to the marketing).

You should be referred to a periodontist who will be able to ascertain whether the problem is related to your dental work or your gums. It could be that you have a genetic disposition to gum disease, but it could be your margins. If you do have a genetic predisposition then you should be seeing a perio regularly for a proper clean and treatment to help manage the gums. But a periodontist will be able to give you advice and the right products and treatment.

Thank you. I am in the process of doing that now!

Jul 11, 2019
Hello, you might be suffering from mild gingival recession or wearing out of enamel. You will most probably be benefitted by desensitizing toothpaste. If the problem persists for 2 weeks after using the desensitizing toothpaste, kindly visit your dentist.


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