How to choose a type of soft toothbrush

Sep 18, 2018

I am using Curaprox ultra-soft and super-soft toothbrush (I alternate between them). I was wondering what is rule of thumb on which to choose? For instance, is there any reason to always prefer one over the other. Also, do they have some type of RDA value?

I would appreciate any advice along these lines. Thanks.



Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
For me, the rule of thumb for getting a toothbrush is how comfortable is it to use and how likely is it you will continue to use it. It would be worthless if your hygienist/dentist recommends something that you have a hard time using. Before I became a dentist, I used to brush very hard and have damaged enamel and receding gums so it is important for me to use a comfortable and soft toothbrush. I like Sunstar Gum (previously by Butler) soft compact head with the Super tip. I find Oral B soft manual toothbrushes to be too hard and previously used their extra soft/sensitive gum bristles which is harder to get. I also use Sonicare brushes for the past 15 years (my previous clinic sells them) and have great results. I have an unopened Oral B electric given by a rep and will use it in the near future. Another dentist in the forum Dr. MattKW likes Oral B's reciprocating brush head and he gets good results with them. It is like buying a daily use car/motorbike/bicycle/etc...find one you feel comfortable to use every day.

Another rule of thumb is to not brush too hard. People think the harder you brush, the more clean and whiter your teeth gets. Spend more time being thorough but gentle. You know you brush too hard when your bristles are flattening after you are finished. I tell people that when you throw out your toothbrush or electric brush head after 3-4 months, the bristles should still look straight and not flattening out. You can damage your teeth and gums like I did if they are flattening.


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