feels like swollen gums, pressure , burning in gums

Jun 21, 2014
I had wisdom teeth surgery 8 months ago. Then fillings in 2nd molars right next to where wisdom teeth were taken.
I then had a root canal on the one filled tooth. The day my fillings were placed I came home with pressure, swollen gum feeling in upper and lower molars and maybe into back jaw where wisdom teeth were extracted,

I then had a root canal on the upper molar that had been previuosly filled. I still to this day have the swollen , pressure feeling in that tooth and gums upper and lower. When I eat it something hard like a cheerio or similar it makes the gums feel more swollen, Has anyone gone though this???

The dental professionals are not giving me any idea as to what it is. I want to feel good again! I dont understand how dentistry can turn a persons life upside down. I have gone regularly to the dentist all my life and never went through this. Now I am scared of dentist. I dont know what professional to go to or if any one can help.

My oral surgeon says it could be from clenching but I cant even get my teeth togther on that side. My jaw seems wacky now from all this. I also wear a soft night guard but that doesn't help at all.


Verified Dentist
Sep 26, 2014
To sum up your complaint, is it that you have pain on the gums and tooth,when your upper root canal treated and lower teeth touch each other?
If so,can you upload any x-rays taken after your root canal was done?

Jun 21, 2014
Thanks for posting DR. MIns,
I cannot send xrays unless I get them from endo. My pressre in the upper root canal tooth and lower 2nd molar and or lower jaw area where the wisdom tooth was recently extratced have pressure or tooth squeezing feeling and burning in gums back there as well only on left side where the wisdom teeth were extrated, fillings , root canal were done. All this trama happened over the past 8 months. I started having all the dental work 6 weeks after the wisdom tooth extraction. I was completely healing and feeling god til I went and started with the fillings and then the upper 2nd molar filling turned into rot canal. I still have this pressure in the area I mentioned to you. It first started after dentist put dental dam on tooth and filled the upper 2nd molar which then turned into root canal. I have it everyday all day long. Open or cloed mouth. Feels best when I chew on food. Takes some of the pressure away. Or if I push on my back jaw area it also helps take pressure away. I don't know what to do for it or what specialist to see. My oral surgeon doesnt know. My denitst doesnt know. I have never gone though this and I go to dentist every 6 months.



Verified Dentist
Sep 26, 2014
Let me not get confused. This is what i understand as your complaint.
1) You have got a root canal treated upper molar on the left side and its paining now.
2) You also feel that there is pain on the gums in the lower tooth region,on the same side,i.e left.

Am i correct? Okay. If it is so,kindly get a radiograph (x-ray) image of your root canal treated tooth and upload the same here.


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