Want a second opinion on wisdom removal

Mar 27, 2018
I'm a 35yo male, never had a cavity or any dental work done. I have 33 healthy erupted teeth (supernumerary is erupted in front of #2), with gingivitis but under control for now. I have a cross-bite; when I put my back teeth together I get fairly even pressure all the way across with my left top incisor against my lower left-of-center. Top right doesn't quite line up with any.

I have minor crowding with the lower right-of-center out of line, which was my initial reason for looking into invisalign. I saw a new dentist today due to previous one leaving the practice, so I don't already know and trust him. He said my teeth are right on the edge of what invisalign could fix. He's also pushing hard that regardless of what I do, I should remove all 5 wisdom teeth, even though they're not bothering me and all in proper placement, because any orthodontist will want that done first anyway.

Does this sound right? It seems odd to me to remove healthy teeth, but I've also heard the opinion wisdom teeth will always cause decay even if you brush them carefully and take care of them. So I really don't know what you think. Opinions?
Dec 6, 2017
A dentist wanted to remove my wisdom teeth when I was 25. I refused. I had them sealed and they haven't decayed. A lot of dentists think that they interfere with the bite. In my experience if your bite is comfortable be very careful about changing it. Some who have had their wisdom teeth removed feel it changes their appearance. Some who have ortho say the same thing. If you do have any orthodontics go to a specialist. There is something I'd call a textbook bite, but many dentists are coming around to the opinion that if someone is comfortable with their bite then that's their best bite to have. Once you start changing everything you can create other problems which can be irreversible.

Mar 7, 2018
I'm a 35yo male, never had a cavity or any dental work done. I have 33 healthy erupted teeth (supernumerary is erupted in front of #2), with gingivitis but under control for now. I have a cross-bite; when I put my back teeth together I get fairly even pressure all the way across with my left top incisor against my lower left-of-center. Top right doesn't quite line up with any.

I have minor crowding with the lower right-of-center out of line, which was my initial reason for looking into invisalign. I saw a new dentist today due to previous one leaving the practice, so I don't already know and trust him. He said my teeth are right on the edge of what invisalign could fix. He's also pushing hard that regardless of what I do, I should remove all 5 wisdom teeth, even though they're not bothering me and all in proper placement, because any orthodontist will want that done first anyway.

Does this sound right? It seems odd to me to remove healthy teeth, but I've also heard the opinion wisdom teeth will always cause decay even if you brush them carefully and take care of them. So I really don't know what you think. Opinions?


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